Period: to
The First Administration
Election of George Washington
George Washinton beleived his rules would make traditions sos him an Congress worked together to make an effective government. For the first five years with Washington as president him,Congress and the Government worked together and all helped in the making of laws they beleived were efficient. -
Whiskey Rebelion
The new government placed taxes on Whiskey whch led the clonist to start the Whiskey Rebelion. Washington decided that to keep that law in order he would have to use force. -
Jay`s Treaty
The British challenged Washingtons neutrality and started capturing american ships so he sent John Jay over to settle the feud. John Jay went over to settle the feud and we ended up with Jay`s Treaty which had the British withdraw American oil. -
Pickney`s Treaty
Spain was afraid that America and Great Britan would team up to take thm down so George Washington sent Thomas Pickney out to settle the issue. The Pickney`s Treaty allowed Americans to go to the Mississippi river and to trade in New Orleans. -
Washington’s Farewell Address
Washington decided he was in Ofice long enough and resigned. He warned the Colonist of a growing threat called "political parties. -
The XYZ Affair
X, Y and Z reprsents the French agents that they tried to negotiate with. The French demanded a bribe which is what started the X, Y, Z Affair because of how unfairly America was treated. -
VA and KY Resolutions
These were made to respond to the Alien and Sedition acts. The resolutions argued saying the fedral government should ot exercise power on certain delegates. -
Alien and Sedition Acts
Because of the way the French were treating the Americans they grew angrier and became more suspicious o Aliens( Residents who aren`t citizens. In fear of Aliens turning on America they passed the Alien and Sedition acts whch allowed the president to imprison Aliens. -
Naturalization Act
Since America and France were on the verge of a war John Adams did not want any other countries possibley trying to join France. He passed the Naturalization Act which had Aliens stay for awhile and then they were considered a citizen. -
Election of Thomas Jefferson
Jefferson beleveid he had great ideas and he only surronded himself with people who had around the same ones. With the help of Albert Gallatin he cut taxes from things that were not imported goods. -
The Twelfth Amendment
Because of the vote that ended in a tie before this amendment was created to stop tie`s from occuring. This amendment also is the root of some laws. -
Lewis and Clark Expedition
efferson had just aquired new land but he was afraid that they were Native Americans still hiding there and that they would hurt the colonist. He sent Lewis and Clark out to study the land and make sure it was safe. -
Election of James Madison
Jefferson decided that there is no reason why he needed to host a third term as president. Since there were no candidates the Republicans chose James Madison. -
The Star Spangled Banner
The star spangled Banner represents Amercan freedom. It will always stand tall just like America. -
Hartford Convention
This was a secret meeting of Fedralist delegates opposing to James Madison. They adated a strong states rights position and expressed iti signing of the Ghent Treaty. -
Treaty of Ghent
America and Great Britan got into many fights over land and power which led to the making of this treaty. They met in Ghent and worked out an agreement where no one will lose the land they have. -
The Battle of New Orleans
Even though the Treaty of Ghent was signed America and Great Britan fought for New Orleans. After America beat Britan the Treaty of Ghent was completely recognized which unallowed Britan to try and take ew Orleans. -
Rush-Bagot Treaty
This law was made by Richard Rush and Charles Bagot so no wars could break out over the lake. America and Britan were limited the amount of vessels they could have for one lake.