Period: to
The First Administartion
Election of George Washington
When Georh=ge Washington raan for president in 1789 he was unoposed. -
Whiskey Rebellion
In 1791 The US goverment put a %25 tax on all whiskey. That lead to whiskey farmers getting agitated. -
Jays Treaty
It was a treaty that took place between america and britain.It heelped avert war between britain and america. -
Pickneys Treaty
It fixed the Us border problems between them and spain. It also granted them tax free deposit in new orleans. -
Washingtons Farewell adress
It wasnt orally said by wahington himself it was documented by the chronicle. He told us what we should do to keep a stable and fair goverment. -
Election of John Adams
The election campaign of John Adams took place during the summer of 1797.He won the election by only 3 votes. -
The XYZ Affair
It was during the britain-american war the french began seizing american ships. the french nobleman demanded a bribe to stop. -
Naturalization acts
The naturalization act increased the amount of time necesary for immigrants to become cticsens of the U.S. -
alien and sedition acts
Under the threat of war in france congress in 1798 passedfour laws in an effort to strengthen the federal goverment. -
Va and Ky resolutions
Va and Ky in the U.S history measures passed by legislators of virginia and kentucky as a protest agaianst the fedralist alien and seduction acts. -
Election of thomas jefferson
This was the fourth quadrenial presidentail election. The election was held form friday cotober 31st to wensday december 3rd,1800. -
Twelfth amendment
It fixed the origanal problems with voting in the electoral college. -
Lewis and Clark expedition
It took place after the louisiana purchase. Its purpose was to explore the new lands the americans have aquired. -
Election of James Madison
The election took place between Charles Cotesworth and James Madison. It was the only time a vice president stayed in office for two presidents. -
Hartford convention
It is were federalist discused the war of 1812. It also discused political problems and thoughts about a piece treaty with britain. -
The star spangled banner
It was a poem written by Francis scottkey while trapped on a british ship watching the battle of fort mcenry. -
Treaty of Ghent
It was the piece treaty that ended the war of 1812 between the british and americans. -
Battle of new oreleans
The battle of new oreleans was the final battle of the war of 1812. Andrew Jackson defeated an invading british army. -
Rush bagot treaty
It was a treaty between the U.S and britain limiting were the british navy could sail.