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The First 10 Presidents of the United States of America

By krb1001
  • George Washington becomes President

    George Washington becomes President
    Party: Federlist
    Term: 1789-1797
    Vice President: John Adams
  • John Adams beocmes President

    John Adams beocmes President
    Party: Federalist
    Term: 1797-1801
    Vice President: Thomas Jefferson
  • Thomas Jefferson

    Thomas Jefferson
    Party: Democratic - Republican
    Vice President: Aaron Burr, George Clinton
  • James Madison becomes President

    James Madison becomes President
    Party: Democratic - Republican
    Term: 1809-1817
    Vice President: George Clinton, Elbridge Gerry
  • James Monroe

    James Monroe
    Party: Democratic - Republican
    Term: 1817-1825
    Vice President: Daniel Tompskins
  • John Quincy Adams becomes President

    John Quincy Adams becomes President
    Party: Democratic - Republican
    Term: 1825-1829
    Vice President: John Calhoun
  • Andrew Jackson beomces President

    Andrew Jackson beomces President
    Party: Deomcrat
    Term: 1829-1837
    Vice President: John Calhoun, Martin van Buren
  • Martin van Buren becomes President

    Martin van Buren becomes President
    Party: Democrat
    Term: 1837-1841
    Vice President: Richard Johnson
  • William H.Harrison

    William H.Harrison
    Party: Whig
    Term 1841
    Vice President: John Tyler
  • John Tyler

    John Tyler
    Party: Whig
    Term: 1841-1845