The fight for aboriginal human rights.

  • Australia Day

    Australia Day
    Aboriginals claim citizen rights declaration. First aboriginal national protest.
  • Voting rights

    Voting rights
    Aboriginal Australians were given the right to vote, and were able to travel without restrictions.
  • Discrimination in public areas.

    Discrimination in public areas.
    Aboriginals protested against discrimination in shops, theatres, bars, clubs, and swimming pools. This group was led by Charles Perkins, an Aboriginal activist.
  • Australians vote YES

    Australians vote YES
    90.7% of Australians vote YES to count Aboriginal Australians in the census and to give the Commonwealth Government the power to make laws for them.
  • Aboriginal tent embassy

    Aboriginal tent embassy
    The embassy said that the Aboriginal Australians were now going to get up and fight back on the issues of education, health and police victimisation. This was led by Bobby Sykes, an Aboriginal activist.
  • Recognised wrongs.

    Recognised wrongs.
    Forcing the aboriginals of their land and stealing their children was finally recognised as wrong.
  • Bringing them home

    Bringing them home
    The report into the inquiry into the stolen generations is released. It recommends a national 'sorry' day to commemorate the history and effects of removing children from their families. The PM makes an apology to the stolen generation but refuses to make an official apology on behalf of Australia.
  • Protests

    250000 Aboriginals walked across the Sydney harbour bridge in protest. Later in December 4000,000 Aboriginals marched in Melbourne because the PM wouldn't apologise to the Aboriginal Australians.
  • An apology

    An apology
    Prime Minister Kevin Rudd says 'sorry' to the stolen generations - Aboriginal Australians.
  • The recognition of Aboriginal Australians

    The recognition of Aboriginal Australians
    Prime Minister Julia Gillard announces plans to recognise Aboriginal Australians in the constitution,