The Feed

  • The Moon

    The Moon
    Titus and his friends arrive at the moon for their summer vacation. They find their hotel room and unpack. After a little while, they get hungry, and go to a bar to get something to eat. P-8
  • Meeting Violet

    Meeting Violet
    At the bar, they order food to eat. As they are eating, Titus spots a girl all alone, and goes to talk to her. He finds out that her name is Violet, and they become friends. P-22
  • Hacked

    Titus and his friends invite Violet to come with them to a night club. When they get there, they have good fun, until them and 11 other people's feeds are hacked. The damage was fortunately stopped before it could get bad. P- 38
  • The Hospital

    The Hospital
    Violet, Titus, and his friends get transported to a nearby hospital. There they are treated. Their parents visit them while they are there. P- 43
  • Violet and Titus

    Violet and Titus
    Violet gets taken aside by a doctor privately. The doctor tells her that her feed has permenant damage, and that they don't know how long she will live. Violet decides that she must make the msot of her time that she has left, so she decides to date Titus. P-63
  • The Mall

    The Mall
    Titus and Violet after being together for quite some time had a date in the mall. They go to a mall back on Earth. At the mall, Violet has the crazy idea to resist the feed by randomizing the things she looked at in the mall so that it couldn't reccomend anything for her to buy. P-108
  • Violet's Malfuntion

    Violet's Malfuntion
    After a while, Violet's condition worsened. At a party that she was at with Titus, her feed malfunctioned and she became paralyzed and has to be transpoted to the hospital. P- 203
  • The Alps

    The Alps
    After Violet is well enough to enjoy her little time she has left, her and Titus go to the Alps for a getaway. But while they are there, they get into a big fight, and unfortunantely brak up. P- 270
  • Violet's Death

    Violet's Death
    A few months after their breakup Violet's condition worsens to the point where she needed to go back to the hospital. But when she tried to request and ambulance, her feed says that the corporation would not treat her any further becasue she was trying to resist the feed. They said that she would nt be a reliable future customer. So Violet was left to die, leaving Titus heartbroken, even after their breakup. P- 297