
The Fallen

  • The Arrival

    The Arrival
    The Hollyway kids make it to the Natural Histoy Museum where they see that the natural history museum kids are fighting a group of grown-ups. They join in and help beat the zombies.
  • The News and The Quest

    The News and The Quest
    The Hollyway kids help beat the zombies and learn something amazing! The Museum kids are making a cure! But they need the Hollyway kids to get them new supplies for the cure at a hospital, and they agree to help.
  • The Church

    The Church
    The Hollyway kids stop halfway to the hospital and tell the younger kids to stay at the church for safety. But when the older kids leave the church and are long gone, zombies attack the younger kids at the church, and all but one kid dies.
  • The Hospital

    The Hospital
    The older kids get to the hospital and find TALKING grown-ups who try to kill them, but the kids win. Then they find the Fallen, kids who's parents had them when they had a bad sickness, and because of that their bodies are mangled.The Fallen let the kids have the supplies but they must bring some of the kids to the museum.
  • The Journey Back

    The Journey Back
    The kids go back to the church only to find everyone dead except for one girl. That girl also wrote down everthing that happened so the older kids would know what went on.Then they were back at the museum, sad but successful.
  • The End of Book 5

    The End of Book 5
    Right when the kids get back, Ella, Small Sam's sister, and a group of kids find a beat up but still working car. So they drive to the country where they think it will be safer. They stay at an old hotel, but a grown-up comes in during the night! The End!