The Fall of the Soviet Union

  • 1991 BCE

    Bush Signs START Treaty

    In July of 1991, Bush signed the START treaty in order to both balance U.S interest and to demonstrate support of Gorbachev.
  • Gorbachev's Big Decision

    In 1985, Gorbachev made a decision that he later announced. This decision and announcement included Glasnost- the idea of being open and perestroika- the idea of restructuring.
  • Gorbachev and Bush Meet

    In early December of 1989, Bush met with Gorbachev in Malta, still keeping in mind the chaotic events unfolding in Europe.
  • President Bush Steps back

    While communism was being overtaken in Eastern European countries, President Bush decides that America as a whole was going to let communism naturally and organically takes it course and not get involved.
  • Gorbachev

    Gorbachev decided to allow elections that involved a multi-party system and his decision to create a presidency in the Soviet Union started a slow process of democratization that eventually ended communist control.
  • Gorbachev faces political pressures

    During the 1990 elections in May, Gorbachev faced internal political pressures due to two different groups angrily protesting and advocating for two different things that pushed Gorbachev in two different directions.
  • Bush wants to wok with Gorbachev

    In the midst of Gorbachev's struggle, the Bush administrative opted to work with Gorbachev because they view him as a reliable partner and because he made numerous concessions that promotes U.S interest.
  • Bush Administration Reconsiders Policy Options

    In light of the growing level of turmoil within the Soviet Union, the Bush Administration had re considerations about policy options.
  • The End

    The potential future for the Soviet Union has been sealed after the unsuccessful coup against Gorbachev in August of 1991.
  • Lithuania and Latvia

    In January of 1991, violence and tensions were created in Lithuania and Latvia which caused Soviet tanks to intervene.