The Rise and Fall of The Roman Empire

  • 753 BCE

    Founding of Rome

    Founding of Rome
    • Was founded by twin brothers Remus and Romulus, on April 21, 753 BCE -Romulus was the first king of Rome
    • This took place at the Tiber River in central Italy
    • Rome's goal was to eventually expand to the Mediterranean
  • 509 BCE

    Roman Republic Being Established

    Roman Republic Being Established
    • The Roman republic started due to the ending of the Roman Monarchy, 509 BCE
    • Shift in a system of government, going from kings too elected officials and a Senate
    • The establishment was located along the Tiber River, in central Italy
  • Period: 264 BCE to 146 BCE

    The Punic Wars

    • The war was divided into 3 seperate wars, fought between Rome and Carthage -Main objective of war was too conquer the Mediterranean
    • The second war include Hannibal's famous crossing of the alps
    • Wars were taking all over the place such as North Africa, Sicily, and present- day spain
  • 49 BCE

    Ceaser Crossing the Rubicon

    Ceaser Crossing the Rubicon
    • This act against Rome caused a civil war between Pompey and Caesar (Fall of Rome)
    • The Rubicon was located in Northern Italy
    • This was the beginning of Caesar's growth of power
  • 44 BCE

    Ceaser's Death

    Ceaser's Death
    • Assassinated by close friend Brutus and a group of senators, in a plan to restore power in the senate
    • The assassination took place in Rome, located at the Senate House
    • This lead to the rise of Octavian, who became the first emperor of Rome
  • 27 BCE

    Rise of Augustus

    Rise of Augustus
    • Augustus's real name is Octavian -His father is Julius Caesar
    • He was given this title by the Senate
    • His power declared the end of the Republic and the rise of the Empire
    • Augustus changed rome's governance for centuries to come
  • 9

    The Battle of Teutoborg Forest

    The Battle of Teutoborg Forest
    • Alliance, led by Arminius, destroyed regions in the Teutoburg Forest
    • This Battle was considered one of Rome's worst military mistakes
    • It took place in modern-day Germany
  • 31

    Battle of Actium

    Battle of Actium
    • Navy Battle between the armies of Octavian, against Mark Antony and Cleopatra
    • This victory solidified Octavian's control of Rome
    • The Battle took place at the Ionian Sea which is off the coast of Western Greece
    • This marked the start of the imperial phase in the Roman Empire
  • 54

    Emperor Nero

    Emperor Nero
    • Became leader in 54 BCE, known for his rule of persecution of Christians
    • Accused of starting the Great Fire of Rome, leading to the discussion of the city
    • Nero's rule ended in 68 CE with suicide, which had taken place in Rome
  • 64

    Great Fire of Rome

    Great Fire of Rome
    • Happened July AD 64, leaving many hurt and lasted over 6 days
    • Many important buildings were burnt down and suffering became an issue with the population
    • Historians believe that Emperor Nero cause these fires, so he could remodel the city
  • 70

    Descrustion of Jerusalem

    Descrustion of Jerusalem
    -Happened in AD 70, when General Titus led Roman militaries, to destroy the city and take out the second temple
    - This lead to separation of the Jewish people, and knocked out Jewish sovereignty in the area for years to come
    - Took place in Jerusalem, which is the most important area in Judea
    - Showed the power Rome had over the Easter Mediterranean
  • 98

    Reign of Emperor Trajan

    Reign of Emperor Trajan
    • His reign lasted from AD 98 to 117, during this time he was known for expanding the Roman Empire to more land -One journey he went on was the conquest of Dacia, which later on went to be modern-day Romania
    • Trajan only cared for the people, he had built massive public projects and revamped the Roman Empire
    • This lead to Trajan
  • 122

    Hadrian's Wall's

    Hadrian's Wall's
    • Big Roman fort built during the reign of Emperor Hadrian
    • Goes across the Northern area of England, from the Solway Firth to the River Tyne
    • Represents the symbol of Roman power, also showing the importance of the Roman authority in England
  • 212

    The Edict of Caracalla

    The Edict of Caracalla
    • Granted free Roman citizenship by Emperor Caracalla
    • This increased the rights of million Romans, and also increased their cohesions.
    • This edict was in Rome, yet affected areas such as North Africa, Near East, and Europe
  • 312

    Battle of Milvian Bridge

    Battle of Milvian Bridge
    • Took place near Rome, Battle between Maxentius lost to Emperor Constantine
    • This win led to the Edict of of Milan, which had legalized Christianity and ended separation in Rome
    • Paved the way for Christianity and gave it real belief in the religion in Rome
  • 313

    Adoption of Christianity

    Adoption of Christianity
    • In 313 CE, Christianity was announced as the official religion for Rome
    • This made christians go from little and unknown, to being profoundly dominate
    • This edict was issued in Milan, Italy
  • 395

    The Division of the Roman Empire

    The Division of the Roman Empire
    • Emperor Theodousis, split Rome into two separate areas, the Western Roman Empire and Eastern Roman Empire
    • This was important because this was the start of the complete ending of Rome
    • Eastern Roman Empire was known as the Byzantine Empire, this division took place in Rome and Constantinople
  • 410

    The Sack of Rome

    The Sack of Rome
    • Happened in 410 CE, when King Alric ruined and tarnished the city with his group named Visigoths
    • This showed the major decline in the Western Roman Empire, and the increase of their power and authority
    • Took place in Rome, showing the vulnerability of what used to be a dominant Oligarchy
  • 476

    The Last Roman Emperor

    The Last Roman Emperor
    • The last Emperor of the Western division was Romulus Augustulus
    • His Fall represented the fall of Rome because they happened at the same time
    • This event happened in Rome but mostly in Western Rome
  • 476

    Fall of Western Roman Empire

    Fall of Western Roman Empire
    • Romulus Augustulus, was killed by a German Odoacer
    • Showed the end of Rome's dominance in the west, and brought us into the Medevil period
    • The biggest thing that came out of this was the decline of power and uprise of barbarian kingdoms