The World's First Video Game
"Tennis for Two" was an electronic tennis game created by nuclear physicist William Higinbotham. The game included separate controllers which connected to an analog computer and used an oscilloscope for a screen. Hundreds waited in line at the Brookhaven lab for a chance to play this two dimensional video game. Read more from Brookhaven National Lab Photo; Brookhaven Lab -
The First Video Game Console
Ralph Baer develops a vacuum-tube cuircut that connects to a television and allows players to chase eachother with two digitized cubes. Read more at Time Business
Photo; The Strong -
The First Violent Video Game
Death Race was released by Exidy Games. It was a free-standing, driving simulator arcade game and is considered the very first “violent” video game, Read more about The Violent Video Game
Photo; ArmchairArcade -
Pac-Man hits U.S.
Pac-Man quickly became a huge success in the U.S., selling over 100.000 units its first year. Licensed by Namco, this arcade based game branched out to other consoles and became a pop culture Icon. Read more about PAC-MAN history
Photo; Google PAC-MAN -
Nintendo Entertainment System
The NES broke sales records and became the best-selling system in video game history. Games such as Super Mario Bros and The Legends of Zelda helped spark sales. Read more at Time Business
Photo; Digital Trends -
The Legends of Zelda begin
Nintendo begins The Legends of Zelda franchise, allowing players to virtually travel the worlds fighting evil. The Legend of Zelda still continues into 2011. The "Skyward Sword" version of the game sold over 190,000 units within just three days of being released. Read more about The Ledgends of Zelda History
Photo;The Ledgends of Zelda History -
PlayStation Launches
PlayStation became the first system to encourage 3-D games versus the usual 2-D, forever changing the gaming world. Read more at Time Business
Photo; Game Informer -
The Xbox Begins
Microsoft enters the video game console business by developing the Xbox, allowing for higher technology performance. The companies most popular Xbox franchise has been "Halo: Combat Evolved." Read more at Time Business
Photo; Multimedia Trends -
The Call of Duty Franchise begins
The original COD game is World War II first-person shooter game, This game developed a devoted audience, and became the first of many successful games in the franchise. Photo; Fox News -
Modern Warfare 3 "smashes records"
Accumulating $775m in sales in the first five days, this Call of Duty video game shows that gaming sales have no foreseeable boundaries. Read more at theguardian</a> -
Halo:Reach Racks in Cash
Microsoft earns $200 million on 1st day it launched the new "Halo: Reach," a game which involves a futuristic war on aliens.
Read more at Reuters</a>