The evolution of the web

  • Instagram launches video sharing

  • Vine

    Popular social media site for short videos
  • Majority of Americans own a smartphone

    PEW research shows that over 50% of American's have some sort of smartphone.
  • Political Activism

    The Facebook creator Zuckewrberg joins other Facebook users in political activism
  • Bumble was released

    Popular dating app
  • Amazon aquires

    Twitch is a social media site where gamers LIVE stream them playing games and other gamers can watch, and there is a chat box for live chatting.
  • Facebook buys messaging app Whatsapp

  • Facebook milestone

    Facebook reaches 10 year mark
  • Pinterest launches buyable pins

  • Zuckerberg speaks at U.N. session

    Zuckerberg speaks out to take action on ending poverty, he wants to bring the internet to the masses.
  • This class

    This class began and I have no idea what i'm doing.