The evolution of the right to education in Colombia.

  • 1538

    Colonial Period (1538 - 1810)

    Colonial Period (1538 - 1810)
    During the colonial period in Colombia (1538-1810), education was strongly influenced by the church and the Spanish colonial system. Below is a summary of the most relevant aspects related to education in this period: 1538: Foundation of the Colegio San Bartolomé in Bogotá, with an educational model exclusively for elites. 1604: Creation of the Colegio Mayor de Nuestra Señora del Rosario, with higher education for privileged Creoles.
  • 19th Century: First Reforms (1810 - 1903)

    19th Century: First Reforms (1810 - 1903)
    1821: The Constitution of Cúcuta mentions public education, but it remains elitist and religious.
    1826: Bolívar promotes public education with the Law of Education, but without universal coverage.
    1870: The Organic Law of Public Education establishes free, compulsory and secular education in primary school.
    1886: The centralist Constitution returns educational control to the Church, limiting secular education.
  • 20th Century: Expansion of the Right to Education (1903 - 1991)

    20th Century: Expansion of the Right to Education (1903 - 1991)
    1930: Liberal governments promote public and technical education.
    1948: The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UN) recognizes education as a fundamental right.
    1957: The Pact of the National Front maintains the traditionalist educational model with religious influence.
    1975: The Supreme Court of Justice declares education as a right and a duty of the State.
    1991: The Colombian Political Constitution recognizes education as a fundamental right, free at basic levels and compulsory.
  • 21st Century: Advances and Challenges (1994 - Present)

    21st Century: Advances and Challenges (1994 - Present)
    1994: The General Education Law (Law 115) organizes the educational system and promotes inclusive education.
    2011: Free public education up to secondary education is made official.
    2015: Colombia commits to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), prioritizing quality education.
    2020: The COVID-19 pandemic highlights gaps in access to virtual education.
    2022 - Present: Inclusive, digital and rural education strategies are strengthened to guarantee the right to education throughout the country.
  • Reference

    Reyes, A. M. (15 de Junio de 2016). THE RIGHT TO EDUCATION IN COLOMBIA FROM THE PERSPECTIVE OF RIGHTS HUMANOSN. Obtenido de 5. LECTURA 2. EL DERECHO A LA EDUCACION EN COLOMBIA. Recuperado de: chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/