Period: to
Time Span of Elecrtic Car
First Electric Vehicle
This electric vehical was one of the first practical vehicals. It was invented in 1835 by Professor Stratingh. Then built by Christopher Becker. Although it was not the best it was still beter than walking. PBS. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.pbs.org/now/shows/223/electric-car-timeline.html -
More Popular Electric Vehicle
This vehicle was more popular than the first model. It was also more efficent and could travel father. Although it was eclipsed by gas vehicles it was still more popular than previous electric vehicles. Kenney, K. (2009, May 07). The History of Electric Automobiles From the 1890s to the Present. EHow. Retrieved from http://www.ehow.com/facts_5008053_history-electric-automobiles-s-present.html -
Chicago Electric Cars
Several Electric street cars where released from Chicago. They ran on elivated rails. Able to travel indefinetly along ther tracks becuse they were connevted directly to the power source. -
Electric Cabs in Ney York City
These cabs had longer lives between charges and where comicially used. This is a big advancment from the Chicago Electric cars becuse they where not set on a set track but could instead travel freely. These where also limited to the city anc unable to travel past the limits. History of Electric Vehicles. (n.d.). About.com Inventors. Retrieved from http://inventors.about.com/od/estartinventions/a/History-Of-Electric-Vehicles.htm -
This was the first sport electric car to be marketed. It cost nearly $100,000. It was the fastest electric car avliable. It was also extremly sport in its apperance. It was the electric car of the time. -
Prius in Japan
This electric vehicle was the first highly marketed electric car. It had much greater range and practical use. They where obvilously more efficent in both their shape and battery efficence.