Evolution of teaching

The Evolution of Teaching

  • 1635 BCE

    The First public school

    The First public school
    The first ever public school was made on April 23,1635. The first school also know as The Boston Latin School was located in Boston Massachusetts. The Boston Latin School began as a all boys school then later evolved to a coeducational school.
  • Americas first public community college

    Americas first public community college
    In 1901 America had it's first community college. Joliet Junior College was established in 1901 located in Joliet, IL. The college's initial enrollment was only 6 kids. https://www.jjc.edu/about-jjc/history
  • The Birth of 4H

    The Birth of 4H
    In 1902 A.B Graham started a youth program in Clark County Ohio. T.A Erickson started a youth program after school that same year in Douglas County Minnesota. 4h's original name could also be known as " The tomato club". Now there is about 7 million 4H members in the world.
  • The whiteboard came to schools

    The whiteboard came to schools
    Martin Heit invented the first whiteboard in the early 1950s. Using the same laminate material used in film negatives. Around early 1960s the white board was first introduced in schools. Though they ran into a few problems with the whiteboard for example, it was hard to erase. With some later advances the white board is one of the most popular choices in the classroom.
    https://www.transcontinentaladvancedcoa https://www.magnatag.com/blog/post/the-history-of-whiteboard-learning
  • The start of digital learning

    The start of digital learning
    The vocational education act of 1963 made it possible for students to begin using technology to learn. Mathematician and professor Seymour Papert first brought microcomputers in the classroom by teaching basic programming in the early 1980s. By the mid 1980s apple computers where used in many classrooms around the U.S. https://www.classcraft.com/blog/the-history-of-the-emergence-of-technology-in-education/
  • Individuals with Disabilities Education Act

    Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
    The Individuals with disabilities Education Act was passed in 1975. (IDEA) Is a law that makes students with disabilities eligible for a free public education. This law states that children and youth ages 3 through 21 receive special education and related services.
  • A end to corporal punishment

    A end to corporal punishment
    In 1977 the supreme court decided corporal punishment was constitutional in public schools ( it was up to the state). Corporal punishment is physical punishment like paddling or spanking. Though corporal is still used in very few states many school do not use it.
  • The start of Learning from Home

    The start of Learning from Home
    Many parents started homeschooling their students around 1977 it quickly became quite popular. Most parents wanted to homeschool their children because it was more one on one. But more parents today are using homeschooling as a tool to get finished with school quick. One example could be maybe they have a job and need to work more. Homeschooling students has had a great impact on the evolution of teaching. ://responsiblehomeschooling.org/research/summaries/a-brief-history-of-homeschooling
  • The SMART board

    The SMART board
    In 1987 the worlds first SMART board was invented. It wasn't introduced until 1991 by David Martin and Nancy Knowlton. The smart board began the start of a new and advanced way of learning for students.
  • No Child left Behind Act

    No Child left Behind Act
    This law was begun in 2002. This law ensured that no child, K through 12 was left behind. The goal of No Child Left Behind was to provide more education opportunities for students. No child left behind was created to counter act the standardized test that were required in public schools. it acknowledged that not every child learns the same and should not be held to the same standard This Act was signed by President George W. Bush. Today NCLB is not a law.
  • World pandemic

    World pandemic
    On March 11, 2020 a new pandemic hit. This resulted in a heavy impact on students and teachers. Many schools went virtual causing kids to fail classes and fall behind on work or assignments. This pandemic also known as Covid 19 let many students into college with no ASAT or SAT test.