
The Evolution of Social Media

  • The Evolution of Social Media

    When you look at the history of social media it started as a small device to relay information and become a huge group of things that allow communication around the world. With each change it allowed more and more people access and also allowed it to reach further. We went from a small telegraph that sent codeto a single location , to large complex group of codes that send music, video, and conversations to many locations everywhere
  • The Telegraph

    The Telegraph
    The Chappe Brothers sent the message "si vous réussissez, vous serez bientôt couverts de gloire" (If you succeed, you will soon bask in glory) between Brulon and Parce, a distance of 16 kilometres
  • US telephone exchange

    US telephone exchange
    The first commercial US telephone exchange opened in New Haven, Connecticut.
  • Marconi Radio

    Marconi Radio
    Marconi transmits first radio signals from his father's Bologna property
  • First Radio Broadcast

    First Radio Broadcast
    NBC becomes the first radio station to broadcast in the US
  • TV

    TV is introduced at the NY World's Fair
  • Email

    MIT Develops Compatible Time Sharing System (CTSS) and firt mail command is added.
  • World Wide Web

    World Wide Web
    Tim Berners-Lee develops the world wide web and tests at CERN
  • The 1990s

    The 1990s
    Online Newspapers and Magazines start appearing
  • Google

  • Blogger created

    Blogger created
    This first blog sites go live on the internet allowing for a new form of social media
  • Wikipedia

  • Period: to

    Facebook and Myspace

    social media sites such as Facebook and my space hit the web throughout this time span there is an increase in the amount of new social media sites breaking on the net everything from flickr to vine to new things such as snap chat and music.ly.
  • Facebook and Myspace

    Facebook and Myspace
  • Flickr

    Flickr is created and allows another avenue for sharing photos
  • YouTube

    YouTube is created allowing users to share videos on the internet
  • Twitter

    Twitter is created allowing users to communicate in 140 characters or less
  • Vine

    Vine is created which allows for users to share short videos.
  • Citations

    "United States Early Radio History." United States Early Radio History. Web.
    "The 1939 New York World's Fair." The 1939 New York World's Fair. Web. .
    "Sir Tim Berners-Lee." World Wide Web Foundation. Web.
    World Wide Web Timeline." Pew Research Center Internet Science Tech RSS. 2014. Web.