100 ma Becoming their own
the shark didnt actually become its own species until the Cretateous era when there was a mass extinction and made it easier for sharks to evolve -
130 ma
fossils of sharks have evolved into the very similar modern day sharks two palentoligsts thought of the neoselachian radiation, which stated that the development of the modern shark ,or neoselachian, was the result of an opportunistic response to an abundant new food source -
250 ma
some of the sharks that have certain advantages are descendants of earlier sharks who also had certain characteristics like the Dog fish who can camoflauge and so can modern dog sharks -
320 ma
Carboniferous era widely know as when that cartilagous fish cam into variety which would include sharks and this would get them to thrive and swim faster -
350 ma
first shark thought to be around during this time; the Cladoselache during this time there was much change that this creature had to indure like sea levels dropping, i caps starting to drop in tepmerature and the building of glacires from the sea floor -
360 ma
ending of period also known as Carboniferous and the beginning of the Permian age, many sharks had become extinct beacuse of the shrinking of the Panthalassa and Paleo-Tethys oceans inside of Pangea and other minor seas shrunk as well -
Period: 400 to 500
450-500 million yrs ago
first primative fish begin to evolve and eventually turning into jawed fish and evolving into fish with more powerful jaws, bone casing on the head, and a top fin much like the sharks today -
420 ma Started evolving
not a whole lot of information is found from that far back but it is believed that the first sharks evloved in the Ordivincian period which was when fish were the main creatures to evolves and to mark the end of this era there was a mass extinction and the begining of the Silurian Era -
Period: Jul 2, 600 to
1.4 bill- 600 mill
cells begin to evolve drasically and begin to form multi-cellular organisms such as jellyfish, worms, sea-pens, and more obscure soft bodied invertebrates had taken over the ocean deserts -
3.5 bill
sharks are so complex that they absorb the chemicals around them and causing mutations and evolving These most ancient forms of life on earth were called stromatolites -
58 ma
sharks have evoled and belief that the great white was evolved and the megladon was alive and could be 65 ft long and weight 30 tons -
65 ma
after all the land dinsosaurs and most of their aquatic cousins went extinct the sharks completed their slow evolution and became the worlds most lethal aquatic animal