The Evolution of Media Arts

  • The Radio

    The Radio
    The Radio provided a source of news/information quicker than the newspaper making it way more popular.
  • Print Journalism

    Print Journalism
    Print journalism gave people a place to voice their opinions for people to read, While the radio only told a section from these stories they were printed out being titled 'the whole story'.
  • Radios Become more popular

    Radios Become more popular
    As Radios are being seen in more houses the radio stations are getting more creative with the content they are providing.
  • The Electric Guitar

    The Electric Guitar
    The Electric guitar was invented my George Beauchamp in 1931 when he marketed an aluminum and steel guitar which he nicknamed the 'frying pan'.
  • Telivision in some houses

    Telivision in some houses
    when the telivision was introduced it was only available in more fit houses/wealthy houses.
  • The ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer)Computer

    The ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer)Computer
    the ENIAC was the idea of an engineer named J. Presper Eckert and a physicist named John W. Mauchly. this computer took up 18- square feet and required a ton of enery.
  • TVs got colour

    TVs got colour
    the puplic was first introduced to colour on broadcast channels when most of them timed the switch.
  • Transistor Radio

    Transistor Radio
    the transistor radio made listening to the radio more easy and portable being able to fit into your pocket.
  • Computers with IC chips

    Computers with IC chips
    the IC chip computer allowed a computer to be more compact and taking less space. the IC computer revolutionized the technology world for the future.