The Evolution of Media Arts

  • Period: to

    The Evolution of Media Arts

  • Kinetograph and Kinetoscope

    Kinetograph and Kinetoscope
    Thomas Edison helped developed the Kinetograph and Kinetoscope in the early 1890s, the devices allow individual viewings of short films.
  • Popularization of the radio

    Popularization of the radio
    Radio broadcasting became popular in the roaring 20's. 60 percent of the households in the US had radios.
  • ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer)

    ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer)
    University of Pennsylvania invented the ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer), which uses switched for computer programming.
  • Popularization of the Television

    Popularization of the Television
    Despite it's creation in 1927, The television became popular and affordable for consumers in the 50's. Ever since the television has been a common household item.
  • Color TV

    Color TV
    The first electronic, color TV system was invented by the research staff of RCA Laboratories. The system popped up on the market in December 1953.
  • The Internet

    The Internet
    The Internet is developed exclusively for Universities, the military, and the US government secret service in the 60s.
  • Personal Computers (PC)

    Personal Computers (PC)
    Personal computers (PCs) are invented. The Altair used Intel Corporation's 8080 microprocessor and was developed in 1974.
  • Video Games

    Video Games
    Although the first video game, Pong, came out in 1958, video games became popular in the 80's. Games like Pac-Man, Donkey Kong, Galaga, and Centipede were played on individual machines or The Nintendo Entertainment System and eventually the Sega Genesis in 89'.
  • First Laptop

    First Laptop
    The first modern laptop was the 16-bit Grid Compass 1101 released in 1982. It introduced the now familiar clam shell design.
  • The Internet Becomes Popular

    The Internet Becomes Popular
    In the 90's, the internet became exceedingly popular and accessible. consumers could now e-mail, share files, publish, and play online games.
  • Updating the PC

    Updating the PC
    Pcs become much more powerful in the early 90s. Consumers could manipulate images, use 3D software, edit videos, and construct web sites and Museums begin to display media/digital art.
  • Social Media

    Social Media
    In the early 2000's several web sites and the first forms of socail media are created. Web interfaces such as flickr (04), myspace (03), YouTube (05), and Facebook (04) become popular places to share stories, photos, and videos with friends.
  • The iPhone

    The iPhone
    The first iPhone was introduced by Steve Jobs in 2007. Apple is now a 2 trillion dollar company and the worlds highest selling cellphone company.
  • First iPad

    First iPad
    The first iPad was released in 2010 by Apple. The 10 inch touchscreen could play music, send and receive emails, access the web, and download an endless amount of applications. During the first 80 days on the market, 3 million iPads were sold.
  • Digital Media in Museums

    Digital Media in Museums
    In the 2000's museums began to collect Media/Digital Artworks. They developed policies and procedures to conserve the pieces. The image above of l’Atelier des Lumieres, is Paris’ first digital art center opened in April 2018.