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The Evolution of Me

  • Seventh Birthday

    The first birthday I actually remembered, I had a tea party and went to a Komet's hockey game after.
  • Grandma's Passing

    On this day my Grandma lost her fight with diabetes.
  • Moved into House

    My mom bought this house so we're going to be living here for awhile. It's a nice house but I wish it was bigger.
  • Semi Dance

    My eighth grade semi was my first ever dance and it was so boring and short.
  • Knee Surgery

    I had a lateral release surgery on both my knees on this day I got my right knee done.
  • Niece Born

    My niece was born 2 months early and only weighed 2 pounds. Her birth and survival is a miracle I will never forget this day.
  • Stoneman Douglas High School Shooting

    This was one major school shooting that I was old enough to understand and hear about the tragedy. This event scared the whole US and especially me as a high school student.
  • Bestiegirl

    Me and my bestfriend became friends and she has put such a big impact on my life.
  • Nephew Born

    My nephew was born in the same month as my daughter and he is my first nephew.
  • Sophomore Volleyball Season

    I got my first ever academic letter during this time and I still have not turned in my paper to get it.
  • Period: to

    The Evolution of Me

  • Emergency C-Section

    When I went into labor I ended up losing too much blood and they had to do an emergency c'section resulting in the birth of my daughter Kailani.
  • Jefferey Epstein Found Dead

    He was said to be a leader of a sex trafficking ring and that is one of my biggest fears.