The Evolution of Educational Technology

By ciara01
  • The Emerging of iPads in The Classroom

    The Emerging of iPads in The Classroom
    The launching of iPads made an impact because they were a touch version of a computer. There was more access to educational games and websites on the iPad than there were on the computer. The iPads are a good source that helps students to develop their cognitive learning skills. The iPads has played a major role in education because they allowed kids to learn online while watching videos, keeping things organized, manage notes, and engage in online activities.
  • The Increase in Internet Usage

    The Increase in Internet Usage
    Technology usage in the world has been developing at a rapid pace. The usage of the internet has made learning more adaptable per learning style, made things more collaborative, and allowed people to have easier access to information. There was an increase of young children using the internet everyday in the US. The increased use of the internet in young children, they have become more mentally advanced because of the educational resources available online.
  • The Arrival of Chromebooks in The Classroom

    The Arrival of Chromebooks in The Classroom
    Chromebooks are compact laptops that allow students to easily access educational activities and websites. They are affordable, durable, easy to use, and they have plenty of storage space. The Chromebooks helped students collaborate and focus. They were/had everything that a student would need to succeed in school.
  • A Spike in Cell Phones

    A Spike in Cell Phones
    There was an increase in cell phone usage, especially in those who are 18 or younger. With there being more of an increase in cell phone usage there started to be an increase in educational apps. Cells phones allowed people to easily access the internet anywhere that they were because it was in technology that was in the palm of their hand. Cell phones can do everything that tablets do except that they are a smaller version that you carry around.
  • The Creation of Google Classroom

    The Creation of Google Classroom
    Google Classroom is a learning platform that made everything easier for students and for teachers. The teachers were able to collaborate with students and share files with them digitally, the students were able to do homework online, and the teachers would be able to grade the assignments without having to print anything out. The teachers are also able to run their class online and create curriculum all through this platform.
  • Expanding Mobile Learning

    Expanding Mobile Learning
    With the expanding of mobile devices there has also been an increase in mobile learning. Cell phones allow students to access everything that a tablet or a computer does, except it is the size of your hand and easy to carry around. Mobile learning can allow the student to have access to any files that they might need, such as documents, audio, video, etc. Mobile learning allows for students to fit their everyday lifestyle and consistency of being on their phone to their education.
  • Using Flipped Learning

    Using Flipped Learning
    Flipped learning is a method of learning that prioritizes active learning during class by having students learn the original materials at home. The students aren’t given homework, they are given content for the next day’s lesson through pre-recorded videos and audio files. The next day during the school day they will be completing the homework for the lesson. This learning style is meant to enhance a students understanding of the content that they are learning.
  • The Popularity of E-Books

    The Popularity of E-Books
    E-Books are an electronic form of books. These allowed students to be able to read without having to carry around a physical copy of a book, it would be online. When textbooks started to go to e-books it made students’ lives a lot easier because they wouldn’t have to carry around different textbooks, they could carry their tablet, laptop, or even phone and have access to the textbook. E-books are very easy to use, portable, and they save a lot of space.
  • Using Interactive E-Books

    Using Interactive E-Books
    As e-books gained more popularity there were more improvements made as well. The improvements have included e-textbooks which has interactive activities within the textbook. Some of the interactive activities included within the e-book could be quizzes, activities, notes, highlights, etc. The interactive e-book allows you to mark what you would like within the book like you might normally do except it is online.
  • Using The Cloud

    Using The Cloud
    The cloud became a very popular thing in schools when they didn’t have to worry about information being stored on their own computer, but online. It provided a safety net and a backup for information just in case it might have been lost or deleted.
  • The Popularity of Educational Apps

    The Popularity of Educational Apps
    Recently there has been an increase in the popularity of educational apps. Students and teachers have started using educational apps to help with understanding concepts, learning in the classroom, completing assignments, or even just to study with. They use apps such as Quizlet, Google Classroom, Kahn Academy, etc. There are thousands of educational apps available to students and teachers to learn from.