The Evolution of Childhood

  • 7000 BCE

    The Time of Torture

    The Time of Torture
    in ancient times it was not well seen that women had newborn children, which is why many of them were tortured and killed in very violent ways.
  • 300 BCE

    The Greek pattern

    The Greek pattern
    In ancient Greece, children were seen as the future citizens of the polis, so they focused on educating them in the best way to ensure the stability of Greek society over time.
  • 400

    Adults in child's body

    Adults in child's body
    In Rome, children were fully involved in the Roman lifestyle, because at an early age they were already involved in sexual acts, however, most of the children were raped.
  • 1390

    The Middle Ages

    The Middle Ages
    In the Middle Ages adults did not care about children, in fact it is described that they only focused on Christianity leaving aside the physical and mental development of the child. that is why children in the Middle Ages were frowned upon.
  • 1500

    fear: your friend

    fear: your friend
    in the Renaissance era efforts to control children arose from the hand of fear, which was used as a modeling tool
  • 1505

    A light for childhood

    A light for childhood
    Media writers are interested in describing the nature of children, such as Erasmus of Rotterdam
  • locke and the indsutrial revolution

    locke and the indsutrial revolution
    Locke, for his part, describes that children are molded according to education and the factors that influence the development of their lives. The industrial revolution, on the other hand, directed the education of children towards the management of machines and production. The above deprived them of doing other things.
  • Kant and Rousseau

    Kant and Rousseau
    Rousseau explains that man (including children) are good by nature but interaction with the world can corrupt him. Kant for his part explains that the behavior of man must be based on not doing to others what we do not want them to do to us, this is called the Kant's Categorical imperative
  • I am here

    I am here
    After so much time where the children were not taken seriously, parents became aware of how to teach and educate them.
  • Children's rights and the contemporary conception

    Children's rights and the contemporary conception
    After the establishment of the rights of children and the definition that it is as such, the world has committed itself to ensuring the integrity and safety of each of them, which is why organizations such as UNICEF exist.