1800 BCE
GREECE | Liberal education and integral development
The concept of "liberal education and integral development" is born.
The need for male citizens to go to school is defended, first receiving informal instruction (until puberty: reading, writing, physical education), then formal instruction: literature, arithmetic, philosophy, science. -
800 BCE
ROME | Boy or girl?
Education is different between men and women, at 12 years old, education for women ended and they are already able to marry, the destiny of men was different, if they had money, they continued with their education. Education was a privilege and not a right.
That a girl study is considered dangerous. -
Infanticide was not considered homicide.
Girls were inferior to boys, infanticide was common with girls and was not considered homicide. If you have a child (I touch wood to make it happen!), Let him live; if she is a girl, get rid of her ”(Letter from a Hellenic to his wife, year 1 BC.) -
Infanticide was considered homicide.
Infanticide is not considered murder until the fourth century, although it is still widely practiced during the Middle Ages -
From liberal education to...
Throughout the Middle Ages the idea of liberal education disappears completely. It is no longer about training "freethinkers" but the goal of education is to prepare the child to serve God, the Church and their representatives, with complete submission to the authority of the Church. -
Where are the children in the middle ages?
Children appear as miniature adults, childhood did not have the attention it deserved, they are educated to help adults in their daily activities. There are no toys, the infant mortality rate is high, children's lives are not important.
Only a few men access education, not women. -
The end of a custom... from 7 up!
The church decrees that children over 7 years old cannot be sold, something that in modern times (2020) is prohibited for any age, however it is still seen on the black market. -
Begin to wake up about childhood..
Luis Vives, humanist, philosopher and pedagogue expresses his interest in the evolution of the child, in individual differences, in the education of "abnormal", and in the need to adapt education to different cases and levels. It also highlights its concern for the education of women -
The mother as the first educator
Comenius, philosopher and pedagogue, insists that both boys and girls should be educated, and in the role of the mother as the first educator. Defend compulsory schooling up to 12 years (idea abandoned completely during the previous stages) -
Physical punishment to educate
Héroard, who was tutor of the young Louis XIII of France (son of Henri IV) wrote about his childhood and youth (1601-1621) in which interesting ideas of the time are revealed ... For example, he quotes the advice given by Henri IV to educate your child: "That apply physical punishment as many times as necessary because I can assure, from my own experience, that nothing has done me so much good in life" -
Industrial Revolution, childhood revolution
The Industrial Revolution and the emergence of the bourgeoisie drastically decreases the need for child labor and, therefore, many children stop having to go to work and they have "too many hours of leisure" that must be occupied with some activity. Hence, the need to educate them becomes a primary objective. On the other hand, changes in social life (the emergence of cities) and family life (life in homes and changes in distribution) promote closer contact between parents and children -
Children are good by nature
One of the most important figures of the time, Rousseau, publishes a series of basic principles on how to educate children and in this we find the most influential idea of: "the child is good by nature. It is born like this, at least, and is society which can pervert the child's good inclinations " Education must be adapted to the child's level (like nowdays) -
Froebel promotes the idea of "kindergarten" and highlights the educational continuity between school-home community, the importance of children's play for its development and the need for interaction and contact between parents and children. -
UNICEF is created
It is created to help children in Europe after World War II. In 1953, UNICEF became a permanent body within the UN system, responsible for helping children and families and their rights. -
Declaration of the rights of the child
In 1959, the General Assembly of the United Nations approved the Declaration of the Rights of the Child. This recognition was the first major international consensus on the fundamental principles of children's rights -
Although there are more laws that protect children, the problems seen in previous years are still presented (such as child labor, children without education), but governments must ensure that these things do not happen and UNICEF organizations support that purpose