The evolution of childhood

  • 4000 BCE

    Ancient Times

    Ancient Times
    Childhood is often not recognized as a distinct phase of life and children are seen as "mini grown ups".
  • 476

    Middle age

    Middle age
    The idea oh chilvary arises and the importance of a noble education gains strenght. Children seen as innocent a pure.
  • Period: to


    During this years people adopt the idea of childhood like a differente stage of life. For example, the creation of children's literature.
  • Giovanni Basile

    Giovanni Basile
    Authors such as Enzo Petrini point out that it was the Neapolitan Giovanni Batista Basile who started children's literature with his Pentameroneen.
  • Comenius

    A work composed truly for children, it appears in Europe in the middle of the 17th century. The most prominent is Orbis Pictus.
  • Bunyan and Fenelon (1678 to 1699)

    Bunyan and Fenelon (1678 to 1699)
    Written children's literature materialized with Bunyan and Fénelon. In The Pilgrim's Journey, in Fables, and in Telemachus, both writers use the tale as a comfortable support for moral and religious teaching.
  • John Newbery

    John Newbery
    The first children's bookstore opens in London.
  • Period: to


    Childhood is seen as a time of vulnerability, so some factories try to take advantage of it to exploit children. Later, the concept of child psychology arises and becomes an object of study.
  • Child Psychology

    Child Psychology
    Child psychology was established as a field of
    systematic investigation when The Soul of the Child written by Preyer is published.
  • Period: to


    The perception of childhood transforms, emphasizing on the significance of education and play, which become integral aspects of childhood. The United Nations Declaration of the Rights of Child is adopted.
  • Child Study Society

    Child Study Society
    The establishment of the Child Study Society occurred as a result of efforts to merge various associations in Britain.
  • Declaration of Geneva

    Declaration of Geneva
    Men and women of all nations, recognizing that mankind owes to the Child the best that it has to give.

    Promote the rights and well-being of all children and adolescents in the world.
  • Declaration of the Rights of Child

    Declaration of the Rights of Child
    The Rights of the Child seek to satisfy the essential needs that imply a correct development of childhood such as access to adequate food, the necessary care and attention, education, etc.
  • Ipod

    The launch of Apple's iPod makes digital music more accessible and portable for children.
  • Period: to


    The understanding of childhood is constantly changing, with greater empahsis on the significance of early childhood development and the influence of social and economic circumstances on children's welfare.Technology takes an important place in childhood.
  • Facebook

    Facebook launches and becomes one of the leading social media platforms. Generating that children create links with others around the world.
  • Iphone

    Apple releases the first iPhone, changing the way people use smartphones.
  • Tablets

    Electronic tablets, such as the iPad, are becoming popular for children's education and entertainment.
  • Minecraft

    Minecraft is released and becomes one of the most popular video games among children.
  • Virtual Reality

    Virtual Reality
    Virtual reality and augmented reality are starting to catch on with kids, with the release of devices like the Oculus Rift and Microsoft HoloLens.
  • Pokemon Go

    Pokemon Go
    Pokémon Go is launched and becomes a very popular augmented reality game among children.
  • AI

    Artificial intelligence and virtual assistants like Siri and Alexa are becoming more commonplace in homes, allowing kids to interact with technology in exciting new ways.
  • Pandemic

    The COVID-19 pandemic is leading to increased use of technology in children's education and entertainment, with increased reliance on online education and video conferencing.