The evolution of cheer

  • Cheerleading begins

    Cheerleading begins
    Cheerleading began with Thomas Peebles at the University of Minnesota. He is credited with creating the first cheerleader squad and the first official cheer: "Rah Rah Rah! Ski-U-Mah! Hoo-Rah! Hoo-Rah! Varsity! Minnesota!" This cheer was used to energize crowds during football games.
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    The first squad

    1903 the first organized cheerleading squad was formed at the University of Minnesota, led by Thomas Peebles.
    In the 1920s Cheerleading spread across universities and high schools in the United States. Men predominantly lead the squads, and cheers primarily focus on supporting male athletes in football games.

    Lawrence Herkimer, a former
    cheerleader at the University of Texas, introduced the first pom-poms. They become a key part of cheerleading performances.
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    A larger role

    With many men serving in the war, women begin to take a larger role in cheerleading, especially at the high school level.
    late 1940s-1950s cheerleading becomes more structured and competitive, with
    schools forming squads to lead crowds at football games, the h routines are still relatively simple .
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    Cheerleading becomes national

    1950s The National Cheerleaders Association (NCA) is founded in 1948, helping to formalize cheerleading as a national sport. This period sees a rise in cheerleading spirit squads in both high schools and colleges.
    1960s The first high school cheerleading competition takes place. Cheerleading routines become more complex with acrobatics and gymnastics being incorporated into romances.
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    Rise of Competitive Cheerleading

    The emergence of competitive cheerleading continues to grow, with the introduction of cheerleading camps and competitions organized by groups like the NCA. Cheerleading routines start to evolve with stunts, pyramids, and more advanced gymnastics. The introduction of cheerleading as a competitive sport, with competitions like the UCA National High School Cheerleading Championships starting in 1980. Cheerleading becomes more athletic and skill-based.
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    Modern Era

    The advent of televised competitions, like ESPN's coverage of cheerleading, brings the sport into the mainstream. Cheerleading grows internationally, with teams competing in global competitions. Cheerleading squads for NFL teams become more common, and the culture of cheerleading has expanded beyond high school and collegiate settings.
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    Cheerleading in the 21st Century

    The rise of social media and streaming platforms like YouTube allows for cheerleading to reach a larger, global audience. Cheerleading has become a more inclusive sport, welcoming athletes of all genders, backgrounds, and abilities. Varsity Cheerleading and All-Star Cheerleading become major parts of the cheerleading community, with high-stakes competitions like "The Cheerleading Worlds" gaining