The Evolution of Cars

  • The First Gas Powered Car

    The First Gas Powered Car
    The First gas powered car was invented by Karl Benz. The first car had three wheels almost like a tricycle and only had two seats in the car.
  • The First Automobile

    The First Automobile
    The First Automobile was built in Michigan by a guy named Henry Ford. It traveled longer than the gas powered car it was cheap and affordable. Had windows and seats.
  • The First Sports Car

    The First Sports Car
    The Roebling Family created the first sports car and it was the first fastest car to hit the road. It was a really expensive car but everyone knows the car for its speed.
  • The first car radio

    The first car radio
    Galvin Manufacturing invented the first car radio as Motorola.
  • Safety first

    Safety first
    The First State to create a seat belt law was in Wisconsin.
  • Airbags

    Airbags become a new safety feature in cars.
  • GPS

    The car Global Positing System is introduced.
  • Toyota

    The First Toyota Prius was made only in Japan.
  • Gm and Fiat

    Gm and Fiat
    GM announced a strategic alliance with Fiat.
  • Tesla

    Tesla is new franchise of cars. These cars drive themselves and have a lot of technology