Jan 1, 1500
Pinhole Camera
The Chinese philosopher Mozi, made an observation of light falling on walls in a dark room. While look through a man made pinhole on the opposite side, he saw the world on the outside upside down. He further researched to find the conclusion that since light travels in a straight line this phenomenon should take place in the outside world. (Exact date unknown) http://www.onextrapixel.com/2015/04/22/evolution-of-the-camera/ -
The Daguerreotype Camera
In the year 1839 a French artist Louis Daguerre, invented a process that store the image that was projected, with a shiny mirror finished copper like plate that was soaked in chemicals. He was the person to ever make an object that was sensitive to light and capture information on it, storing it forever with treated chemicals. http://www.onextrapixel.com/2015/04/22/evolution-of-the-camera/ -
The Reise Camera
1900 was the year it all changed for the camera. before than the only thing that was in the way of everything was that the camera was a big bulky box, until the Reise Camera. It was the first portable camera, that was extremely light weight. It was for photographer that were traveling around doing shoots. http://www.onextrapixel.com/2015/04/22/evolution-of-the-camera/ -
The Leica I
The Lecia was majorly compacted and could support a high resolution lens to where the photographers could take picture without at being seen. While getting the more artistic like posses. http://www.overgaard.dk/leica_history.html -
Polaroid Model 95
Taking a photo requires to take time to develop the final picture, the company Polaroid built a camera that develops pictures in seconds. That's when the Polaroid model 95 came on the market, this was photographers could take pictures and have developed in seconds. http://www.onextrapixel.com/2015/04/22/evolution-of-the-camera/ -
Kodak Digital Camera
The camera evolved from bulky boxes to portable compacted ones, but in 1975 Steven Sasson created the first digital camera