
The Evolution of Cameras

  • The Begining

    The Begining
    Isaac Newton discovers that white light is composed of different colors
  • Camera Obscura

    Camera Obscura
    Photography & Cameras Timeline
    Joseph Niepce achieves first photographic image with camera obscura - however, the image required eight hours of light exposure and later faded.
  • Wooden Cameras

    Wooden Cameras
    William Henry Fox Talbot’s Mousetrap Cameras make the first Photogenic drawings' on paper sensitized with silver chloride. They are simple wood box cameras with Brass barrel single lens referred to as mouse traps, coined by his wife. It has a sliding wood plate to hold the sensitized paper.
  • Kodak

    Eastman patents Kodak roll-film camera.
  • Color Photos

    Color Photos
    James Clerk-Maxwell demonstrates a color photography system involving three black and white photographs, each taken through a red, green, or blue filter. The photos were turned into lantern slides and projected in registration with the same color filters. This is the "color separation" method.
  • Film

    George Eastman came up with the idea of photography with film. He first used paper film before changing to celluloid. He called his first camera the Kodak and it featured fixed-focus and single shutter speed. Each camera could take 100 pictures before new film was needed. He produced box and folding style cameras. He later invented the Brownie which gave the concept of the snapshot. This brought the idea for many different styles to come.
  • George Eastman Company

    George Eastman Company
    The George Eastman Company produces the first autographic roll-film camera. Autographic film has two layers, the front layer for recording the image and the back layer for writing information about the photo. Photographers write on the back of the film by opening a small door in the back of the camera. This is the first form of photographic data collecting.
  • Polaroids

    Date when Polaroid introduces its revolutionary instant color film.
  • First Instant Film

    First Instant Film
    First color instant film developed by Polaroid; Instamatic released by Kodak; first purpose-built underwater introduced, the Nikonos
  • Disposable Cameras and Rolled Film

    Disposable Cameras and Rolled Film
    Sony put the first solid slate image sensor color video camera on the market. Disposable cameras were popular. Rolled film was still around which didn't let you look at the picture until you developed it, like before.
  • The Mavica

    The Mavica
    Although the technology is already being used for government purposes, Sony introduces the Mavica, the first commercially available electronic still camera. This camera does not use film. Instead, it records images onto a minidisk, which can then be connected to a computer for viewing. While this camera is not digital, its technology is the precursor to the digital revolution.
  • The "Brownie" Camera

    The "Brownie" Camera
    Many people elaborated on the idea of a Calotype and a Camera Obscura but the next big thing that made the new was the Brownie
  • The First Digital Camera

    The First Digital Camera
    The first digital camera for consumer use is the Apple QuickTake 100. This camera can be connected to a computer using a serial cable.