The Evolution of Calpurnia Tate

By ls6700
  • Wake Island

    The US takes possession of Wake Island in the Pacific.
  • Opel's First Automobile

    The German manufacturing company, Opel manufactured its first automobile.
  • Opel Opens

    Opel Motors opens for business.
  • Period: to

    The Evolution Of Calpurnia Tate

  • Pictures

    Calpurnia and grandaddy go to get pictures taken of their plant to send in with the letter.
  • Flooding

    Brazo River in Texas floods 12 miles wide causing $10 million in damage.
  • Mistakes

    Calpurnia and grandaddy go to look at the plant that they discovered only to find that Calpurnia forgot to put the location that they found the plant in.
  • The First Juvenile Court

    America's first juvenile court is established in Chicago.
  • Piano Recital

    Piano Recital
    Calpurnia and her brother Harry have to play piano at a recital
  • The Mutant

    Calpurnia and Grandaddy discover what they believe is to be a new species of plant.
  • The Delivery

    The Delivery
    Grandaddy gets a telagram from Washington.
  • The Returning Letter

    Calpurnia writes and sends a letter back to Wasington about the unknown plant.
  • Cooking Lessons

    Calpurnia is forced to take cooking lessons and during this lesson she learns to make apple pie.
  • The Fentress Fair

    The Fentress Fair
    Calpurnia and her family go to the fair to enter their items in shows. There grandaddy finds the first automobile.
  • Christmas

    Eveyone in Calpurnia's family was happy except her becuase they all got what they wanted but she got a book about housewifery when she wanted a book about science.
  • Snow.

    It snowed for the first time in years in Texas.