Calpurnia tate

The Evolution of Calpurnia Tate

  • A hot day in Texas

    A hot day in Texas
    The day was hot, so Calpurnia decides to go swimming in the river and even in the shade it was 106 degrees. The mother of the Tate children bought a wind machine.
  • Period: to

    The Evolution of Calpurnia Tate

  • Scattering Animals

    Scattering Animals
    Calpurnia Tate went outside early before her brothers got up and were loud. She went outside and sat on the porch and wrote in her notebook for everything she saw while she was out there and then described it.
  • New type of Plant

    New type of Plant
    Grandfather Walter and Calpurnia find a new type of plant species by the biggest badger hole they have ever seen. They were out for a walk by the river and coming back from that they found this plant and then they sent a sample to the plant emporium.
  • Knitting Lessons

    Knitting Lessons
    Calpurnia had to learn how to knit her mother thought her but she hated it because it took so long and she wanted to be down by the river instead. Her mother made her make a pair of socks for her grandfather,father,and her brothers for Christmas, she despised kniiting because it took away time that she could have been down by the river instead.
  • Brazo River in Texas floods 12 miles wide causing $10 million damage

    Brazo River in Texas floods 12 miles wide causing $10 million damage
    The Brazo River in Texas floods 12 miles wide causing $10 million damage. It was a very very expensive clean up because of how much it flooded
  • Petey

    Calpurnia found Petey on a leaf and she decided to keep him so that she could see what he turns out to be. She realized that after Petey hatched out of his cacoon that he was not a butterfly, he was the largest moth she had ever saw in her life. Her mother told her that she had to let him go so Calpurnia went outside one night and set him free.
  • Henry Bliss becomes 1st automobile fatality in the US (NY)

    What an amazing thing that happened! Henry Bliss becomes 1st automobile fatality in the US (NY) He has just changed the US.
  • 7000 lay-offs black mine workers of South Africa reach Natal

    Over 7000 lay-offs black mine workers of South Africa reach Natal. This was terrible for the people that got layed off but they reached South Africa so it better than nothing.
  • A Sea of Cotton

    A Sea of Cotton
    Calpurnia's father and other men go to work to collect the cotton from the fields and she wants to help. Although she wants to help she can't so she gets put in charge of watching the children while the women are baking and the men are collecting the cotton.
  • Dividing Samoa

    US & Germany agree to divide Samoa between them.
  • Battle at Colenso, South Africa

    Battle at Colenso, South Africa (Boers-British army)
    Theres a battle at Colenso, SOuth Africa thats happening
  • Cooking Lessons

    Cooking Lessons
    Calpurnia is tought how to cook by the maid Viola and her mother. They start out at teaching Calpurnia to make an apple pie, she starts out trying to make the dough but it doesn't go well so Viola does it. Calpurnia helped with the rest of the apple pie making though.
  • The Fentress Fair

    The Fentress Fair
    Its that time of year again when its fair time. Calpurnia and her family go and look at the animlas and put their hard work into making something to add to the fair. Calpurnia put in a handiwork piece of hers and she got third place for it.:)
  • Big News

    Big News
    They finally got a word about their new type of plant speices they found and i tturns out that the plant is new! Calpurnia and her grandfather are so excited because they have discovered a new plant speices.
  • Its August

    Its August
    Calpurnia and her grandfather are still visiting the river they have become very close and they are still discovering new things. Calpurnia's family is doing well too, they are going on as normal.