World war 2

The Events of World War II

By Joe123
  • Italian Invasion of Ethiopia

  • Period: to


  • Occupation of the Rhineland

  • Period: to

    Spanish Civil War

  • Formation of the Rome-Berlin-Tokyo Axis

  • Air raid on Guernica

  • The Anschluss

  • Munich Conference

  • Period: to

    Annexation of Czechoslovakia

  • Period: to

    Annexation of Czechoslovakia

  • Nazi-Soviet Pact

  • Invasion of Poland

  • Formation of the Rome-Berlin-Tokyo Axis

  • Period: to

    Fall of France

  • Formation of Vichy France

  • Formation of the Free French

  • Operation Barbarossa

  • Attack on Pearl Harbor

  • Battle of Midway

  • Period: to

    Battle of Midway

  • El Alamein

  • D-Day

  • Battle of the Bulge

  • Iwo Jima

  • V-E Day

  • Decision to use Atomic Weapons

  • Period: to

    Decision to Use Atomic Weapons

  • V-J Day