The Events of The Revolutionary War.

  • The Enlightenment

    It made the founding ideas of the Constitution and inspire the people to fight.
  • The Olive Branch Petition

    It was the last try for peace between Britain and the Colonies, it said they loyal citizens of the Empire but they need their rights to live.
  • The Battle of Concord and Lexington

    The redcoats tried to seize a major colonist armory. The Redcoats had lost a lot for men, and ran.
  • The Second Continental Congress start

    This congress was the first form of self governing that united the states.
  • The Battle of Bunker Hill

    This battle happened during the Boston Siege, It proved to be the pivotal point in the siege.
  • The Declaration of Independence

    The day America became free and the day we began to throw our at the wall that was the British military.
  • The Battle of Trenton

    This battle wasn't even a battle do quickly it ended with most of the Redcoat force just surrendering or fleeing after their leader was shot.
  • The Battle of Princeton

    This was side-victory for Colonists as this occurred right after the The Battle of Trenton.
  • The Battle of Valley Forge

    This battle occurred after George Washington had trained his so that they could fight the British, and this place was more of a training grounds HQ than anything else. The battle that happened was a form of retaliation by the British army and they won despite the hard defense put up by the Colonists.
  • The Treaty of Amity and Commerce

    It was made in defiance of Britain's limiting of trade with any but themselves.
  • The Treaty of Alliance

    It was a pact stating that if either party went to war with Britain the other would aid them.
  • The end of the Second Continental Congress

    This congress was the first form of self governing that united the states.
  • Treaty of Paris 1783

    This treaty is what ended the Revolutionary War.