The Events of the AIM

  • Vernon Bellecourt Was Born

  • Clyde Bellecourt Was Born

  • Dennis Banks Was Born

  • Russell Means Was Born

  • The American Indian Movement was founded

    The group was founded by Russell Means, Dennis Banks, Clyde Bellecourt, and Vernon Bellecourt
  • The Occupation of Alcatraz Island

    The occupation was organized by seven Indian movements, including the Indian of All Tribes and Richard Oakes, a Mohawk activist.
  • The End of The Occupation of Alcatraz Island

  • The Trail of Broken Treaties

    The AIM took over the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA), occupying it for several days and doing millions of dollars in damage.
  • The Occupation of Wounded Knee

  • Russell Means Resigns From AIM(First)

  • Shoot-Out at Wounded Knee Leading to Leonard Peltier's False Conviction

  • The Longest Walk

  • Russell Means Officially Resigns From AIM

  • The Longest Walk 2

  • Vernon Bellecourt Dies

  • Russell Means Death

  • Dennis Banks Dies