The Treaty Of Versailles Is Signed
The treaty was created to deal with Germany after World War One. It stated that Germany was solely responsible for starting the war and that they had to pay for any damages caused by the war. Germany was only allowed to have a small army and lost land to other countries. The German people were upset about the treaty, the country became poor due to the 6 600 million pounds they owed to other countries. this allowed Hiler to rise to power because the German people were looking for a strong leader. -
Mussolini Takes Power In Italy
Mussolini was the leader of the National Fascist party of ITaly. He was the founder of Fascism and set up a legal dicttorship after being elected Prime Minister of italy. Mussolini and his blackshirts march on Rome on 28 of October 1922, they demanded the resignation of the current prime minister; Luigi Facta, and the government to be replaced with a fascist one. The Italian King refused to envoke martial law, this lead to Facta's resignation. the King then gave Mussolina Facta's position. -
The Stock Market Crash
Known as Black Tuesday, the Great Crash, and The Stock Market Crash of 1929. It was the most devestating stock market crash in the history of the United States. the crash started the 10 year Great Depression. A time of poverty that affected all western industrialized nations. The crash succeeded a time of excess and wealth in the western countries called the roaring twenties. -
Japan Invades Manchuria
The Kwantung Army invades Manchuria for the Empire of Japan. they installed the puppet state of Manchuria. Hideki Tojo was the General of the Japanes army, he wanted to militarily occupy China and an alliance with Germany. Japan's government believed that it was becoming too westernized and wanted to return Japan to it's feudal empiratical ways of old. Japan quickly captured all of China's key ports and industrial centres. This demonstrated a weakness in the League of Nations. -
Hitler Becomes Chancellor Of Germany
Hitler was the leader of the Nazi Party t the time. many industrialists, businessmen and a few politicians wrote to the german President; pressuring him to apoint Hitler Chancellor. Hindenburg reluctantly appointed Hitler after two parliamentary elections without a majority government. After the new cabinent was sworn in the NSDAP gained three posts; Chancellor, Minister of the Interior, and Minister of the Interior of Prussia. The ministerial positions was to gain control over the Police. -
Italy Invades Ethiopia
forty years earlier in 1885 Italy failed to invade Ethiopia. Italy, under control of Benito Mussolini, successsfully reinvades Ethiopia. Italy militarily occupies Ethiopia, creating the Italian Empire. this exposes the inherent weakness in the capablities of the League of Nations. Voctor Emmanuel III was procliamed emperor, making him the first emperor in rome for hundreds of years. This was the beginning of Italy's empire. -
Remilitarization Of The Rhineland
German military entered the Rhineland to remilitarize the Rhineland. This voided the Treaty of Versailles. This was first time since World War One that Germany held a military presence in this region. This action shifted the balance of power in Europe to Germany. It was now possible for Germany to become agresive in Eastern Europe. This allowed them to wage war on their western front and to invade France. -
The Spanish Civil War
The Spanish Civil War was a battle between the Republicans loyal to the Second Spanish Republic and the Nationalists, a falangalist group. The Nationalists won and led Spain for the next 36. The war started after opposition fromed against the governemnt. The Nationalist takeover was supported by conservative groups, and monarchists. The Nationalists were formed by Generals of the Spanish Republican Armed Forces, originally lead by General Francisco Franco. -
The Rome-Berlin Axis Is Signed
The coalition between Germany and Italy. Created by Italian Foreign Minister Galeazzo Ciano, this axis bonds the two fascist nations together. Italy want allies in case it went to war with France. Mussolini did not want to follow Germany's decisions blindly, he wanted to lead the axis. This coalition is what was to become the Axis Powers that eventually contained Japan as the third major power. -
The union of Austria and Germany. It was originally attempted in 1918, but was forbidden in multiple treaties. Hitler wanted to unite Austria with Germany to get closer to reuniting all germans in one reich. Austria was rich in materials which would be useful to aid the Nazi war effort. Austria was eventually annexed by Garmany, and Anschluss happened, unifying Germany and Austria int a large, powerful, German state. -
The Munich Conference
The settlement in Munich that permitted Nazi Germany's annexation of Czechoslovakia's Sudetenland. This conference was a failed attempt at appeasement toward Germany. It was intended to face the demands of Hitler and to slow the expansion of German control. Most of Czechoslovakia's important border defenses and industries were located there, forcing Czechoslovakia to become dependant on Germany. this lead to the invasion and occupation of Czechoslovakia by Nazi Germany. -
Germany Invades Czechoslovakia
The Munich Conference allowed the Nazi party to take the Sudetenland from Czechoslovakia due to the large amount of ethnic Germans in the area. The occupation of the Sudetenland left the rest of Czechoslovakia weak and dependent on Germany. The takeover of Czechoslovakia becam Germany's priority. The invasion ended with German Forces ocupying the rest of Czechoslovakia and taking control of their powerful industries. -
The Soviet-Nazi Pact
The nonaggression pact signed by Germany and Russia. The coalition allowed Germany to invade Poland without fear of soviet actions. The pact also planned for Germany and Russia to partition eastern European lands. This lead to Soviet and Nazi occupation of much of Eastern Europe. less than two years after the Soviet-Nazi Pact was signed, Germany invaded the Soviet Union intent on desstroying the Communist state and the Jews of the Soviet Union. -
The Invasion Of Poland
This was the tipping point of the war, Britain and France allowed Germany to invade Czechoslovakia but told Germany that they would defend Poland if it was threatened. Germany invaded Poland with the purpose of reclaiming land from before the first world war. Poland was invaded by Germany on multiple sides, they had to retreat to better defend themself and wait for aid, when the Soviets joined the invasion; Poland brought its military into Romania. This forced Britain and France to declare war. -
Britain Declares War On Germany
Britain had an agreement with Poland that if Germany invaded it Britain would attack Germany. two days after Germany invades Poland, Britain declares war on Germany. Britain had tried to appease Germany by giving them part of Czechoslovakia, this failed and Nazi Germany continued its Expansion. This is the event that started World War Two. Britain's allies followed them into the war, and Germay's allies followed Germany. This quickly brought most of the world into the conflict. -
Canada Enters The War
Because Canada was now independant, it wasn't immediately at war when Britain declared war on Germany. Canada joined a week after Britain did to assert its independence. this has been the only time Canada has independently declared war. Canada unnecessarily recieved approval from the federal parliament to assert its independence. Canada was going to war to help Britain and to stop Hitler.