The European Union

By PippoD
  • European Coal and Steel Community

    Based on the Schuman plan, six countries sign a treaty to run their coal and steel industries under a common management. In this way, no single country can make the weapons of war to turn against others, as in the past.
  • Birth of European Parliament

    The first meeting of the European Parliamentary Assembly, a forerunner of today’s European Parliament, is held in Strasbourg, France, with Robert Schuman elected President.
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    The "Swinging Sixties"

    Further economic integration in Europe and the beginnings of international cooperation
  • From 6 to 9 members

    The 6 members become 9 when Denmark, Ireland and the United Kingdom formally join the European Communities.
  • First direct elections

    European citizens directly elect the members of the European Parliament for the first time
  • Three new members

    Greece, Spain and Portugal join the European Communities, bringing membership to 13
  • Maastricht Treaty

    The Treaty on European Union is signed in Maastricht in the Netherlands. It is a major milestone, setting clear rules for the future single currency
  • The introduction of euro

    Euro notes and coins become the legal currency in 12 EU countries
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    EU constitution

    Voters in France and the Netherlands reject the Treaty establishing a constitution for Europe
  • Lisbon Treaty

    The 27 EU countries sign the Treaty of Lisbon, designed to make the EU more democratic, efficient and transparent
  • United Kingdom leaves the EU

    The UK leaves the EU after 47 years of membership