The Eucharist in The Christian Community

By jordy m
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    The Eucharist originated from the last supper taken from Jesus and his 12 disciples, the last supper was the final meal taken by Jesus before he was to go under crucifixion. During the moment Jesus took bread and declared, "Take and eat; this is my body." He then took a chalice and declared “Drink from it, all of you. This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins."
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    Whilst different religions use different ceremonies/traditions, the eucharist is believed by the majority of Christians as the necessary gateway towards forgiveness and Jesus Christ. When Jesus died on the cross he died for the sins of everyone that has/will be born. This means that from then on no one can't be forgiven for any sin they've committed, as long as they repent and accept Jesus Christ into their hearts.
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    Bread - represents the body Jesus Christ gave up to allow the human race into heaven, the bread represents life
    Wine - represents the blood of Jesus Christ which was shared at the final Passover, the wine also represents joy