Nonintercourse Act
Americans can trade will all nations except for Britain and France -
Period: to
President James Madison's Term
Fletcher v. Peck
Concluded that a state could not pass legislation invalidating a contract. This was the first time the Supreme Court ruled a state law as unconstitutional -
Macon's Bill No. 2
If GB or France respect US neutrality at sea then the US would prohibit trade w/ nation's foe -
Period: to
War of 1812
Conflict b/n US and GB -
Hartford Convention
New Englanders discuss secession -
The Treaty of Ghent
Ended War of 1812, neither side gained anything from the war -
Martin v. Hunter's Lease
Established the principle that the Supreme Court has jurisdiction over state courts in cases involving constitutional rights -
Tariff of 1816
First tariff protecting American industry -
Monroe becomes President
Period: to
President James Monroe's term
Rush-Bagot Agreement
Period: to
Panic of 1819
First US financial crisis since Washington Admin. -
Dartmouth College v. Woodward
Concluded that a contract for a private corporation cannot be altered by the state. -
Adams Onis Treaty
aka. Florida Purchase Treaty -
McCulloch v. Maryland
Concluded that the federal government had implied power to create the national bank, and that a state cannot tax a federal institution. -
Missouri Compromise
Cohens v. Virginia
Established the principle that the Supreme Court can review a state court's decision involving any powers of federal government. -
Monroe Doctrine
Gibbons v. Ogden
Established the federal government's broad control of interstate commerce. -
Erie Canal Complete