
The Era of Andrew Jackson

  • Andrew Jackson Birth

    Andrew Jackson Birth
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    Jacksons Life

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    The American Revolution

    The american revolution was a war with great britian to gain freedom (America won)
  • Jackson joins American Revolution

    Jackson joins American Revolution
    Andrew jackson joins the war with his siblings older brother dies
  • Duel

    Andrew Jackson kills Charles Dickinson in a duel
  • The war of 1812

    The war of 1812
    The war of 1812 is a war that made jackson famous. Jackson leads troops against indians and british and the war that gave him his nickname "Old Hickory". The indians are defeated
  • The Death of Rachel Jackson

    The Death of Rachel Jackson
    This is the Andrew Jacksons wife died just after becoming presedent which hurt him emotionaly he was never the same
  • Jackson becomes president

    Jackson becomes president
    After a proppoganda war with his mates Andrew Jackson finally gets elected as the seventh president
  • Indian removal bill

    Indian removal bill
    The indian removal bill was a bill that jackson signed to relocate all indians. which leads to the trail of tears
  • nullifacation crisis

    nullifacation crisis
    Jackson force signs bill and resolves the nullifaation crisis in south carolina
  • announces Nation is Free of Debt

    Jackson is the only president to clear the nation of debt
  • Andrew Jackson dies

    This is the day that Jackson dies at the hermitage