
The Environmental Movement By: Avery Thomas

  • Pivotal: Minamata

    Pivotal: Minamata
    A new disease thought to be linked to the release of methyl mercury into the waste water. The disease appeared in Minamata, Japan and was known to cause neurological damages within people.
  • Period: to

    Outcome: Congress is Pressured to Promote Cleaner Air and Water

    The Environmentalists were putting pressure on Congress to the point of them promoting cleaner air and water. This was done by finding better ways to promote a "green Earth" without the use of toxic waste.
  • Rachel Carson

    Rachel Carson
    Rachel Carson was a author who is known for writing the book "Silent Spring." The goal was to make the public aware of the disturbing changes in the environment. It worked as many people joined in the fight for the environment. As a result, Rachel Carson became a major figurehead in the movement.
  • Release of "Silent Spring"

    Release of "Silent Spring"
    "Silent Spring" was a book that was written by Rachel Carson. It talked about pesticides and how they are bad for the environment. It discussed the side affects and argued that pesticides shouldn't be used. It led many people to join the environmentalists and made the Environmental Movement even more powerful with its increased numbers.
  • Stewart Udall

    Stewart Udall
    Stewart Udall was a congressman and he wrote the book "The Quiet Crisis." Being an advocate of the Environmental Movement, he became a major influential person in the the movement. Being a political figure meant that his influence spread further than the average citizen would.
  • The Environmentalist Start Demanding Justice and Rights

    The Environmentalist Start Demanding Justice and Rights
    The Environmental Movement started to demand justice and rights when the Cuyahoga River caught on fire due to toxic waste in the water. Activists all over were angry and decided that it was about time that the Earth was saved from man made products. Especially since this was not the first time that the river had caught fire due to the waste being dumped in the river.
  • Denis Hayes

    Denis Hayes
    Denis Hayes was a college activist who was brought to Washington D.C. To plan out the creation of the first Earth Day celebration. He and a bunch of other activists came together to create a day to help clean the Earth and make the environment healthier.
  • Outcome: Endangered Species Act of 1973

    Outcome: Endangered Species Act of 1973
    This was an act brought into effect to try and protect the species that were endangered on our planet. The act allowed laws to be made, prohibiting hunting on certain species and poachers from using animals to make profit.
  • Bhopal

    42 tons of toxic methyl isocyanate gas from the Union Carbide pesticide plant in Bhopal ended up killing over 25,000 people. It was a major gas leak in India that make people painfully aware of the consequences of using substances. It was a event that made people aware that these substances weren't only harmful to the Earth, but to people as well.
  • Sinking of the Rainbow Warrior

    Sinking of the Rainbow Warrior
    The Rainbow Warrior was a ship that belonged to the environmentalists. It was sunk to stop the activists from getting involved with nuclear testing. However, after it was sunk, environmentalists banded together to pretest against nuclear testing.