The Enlightenment

  • Founding of British east India company

    Founding of British east India company
    The East India Company was originally chartered as the Governor and Company of Merchants of London trading into the East Indies.
  • Isaac Newton writing religious trates

    Isaac Newton writing religious trates
    in the 1690s, Newton wrote a number of religious tracts dealing with the literal and symbolic interpretation of the Bible.
  • Henry Parkes tenterfield speech

    Henry Parkes tenterfield speech
    Henry parks made a speech at The Tenterfield Oration. The speech Henry parks gave was about the calling for the federation of the six colonies
  • The start of World War 1

    The start of World War 1
    A young Serbian nationalist named Garvrilo Princip killed Archduke Franz Ferdinand. For the throne for Austro-hungairian Empire. Assasinations set off a chain of events that caused the start of the world war 1
  • First Battle of Bullecourt

    First Battle of Bullecourt
    The German army had withdrawn to the hindenburg line in order to shorten their front and make there positions easier to defend.