Death of James I; accession of Charles I.
Five Knights’ Case.
Parliament meets. Petition of Right.
England begins eleven-year period without a parliament.
Appointment of Archbishop Laud.
First levy of ship money.
King wins Ship Money Case, 7 judges for, 5 against.
Scottish National Covenant.
First Bishops’ War.
Short Parliament meets in April. Long Parliament meets in November.
Uprising in Ireland, massacre of Protestants.
Outbreak of civil war.
Solemn League and Covenant. Scots enter war in England.
New Model Army created.
Charles surrenders.
Charles captured by army. Army debates at Putney.
Second civil war. Pride’s Purge.
Charles tried and executed. Monarchy and House of Lords abolished. England declared a commonwealth.
Engagement Oath required. Charles II and Scots defeated at Dunbar.
Charles II and Scots defeated at Worcester. Charles flees to France.
Cromwell expels the Rump Parliament. Instrument of Government drawn up. Cromwell becomes Lord Protector.
First Protectorate Parliament.
Penruddock’s uprising.
Rule of Major Generals. Second Protectorate Parliament.
Cromwell refuses crown.
Cromwell dies. Richard Cromwell becomes Protector.
Richard Cromwell resigns. Rump Parliament recalled. George Monck marches with army to London.
Long Parliament recalled. Convention Parliament summoned. Charles II invited back. Monarchy restored. Trial of regicides.