The English Revolution, 1625–1660, key events

By JJH2010
  • Death of James I; accession of Charles I.

  • Five Knights’ Case.

  • Parliament meets. Petition of Right.

  • England begins eleven-year period without a parliament.

  • Appointment of Archbishop Laud.

  • First levy of ship money.

  • King wins Ship Money Case, 7 judges for, 5 against.

  • Scottish National Covenant.

  • First Bishops’ War.

  • Short Parliament meets in April. Long Parliament meets in November.

  • Uprising in Ireland, massacre of Protestants.

  • Outbreak of civil war.

  • Solemn League and Covenant. Scots enter war in England.

  • New Model Army created.

  • Charles surrenders.

  • Charles captured by army. Army debates at Putney.

  • Second civil war. Pride’s Purge.

  • Charles tried and executed. Monarchy and House of Lords abolished. England declared a commonwealth.

  • Engagement Oath required. Charles II and Scots defeated at Dunbar.

  • Charles II and Scots defeated at Worcester. Charles flees to France.

  • Cromwell expels the Rump Parliament. Instrument of Government drawn up. Cromwell becomes Lord Protector.

  • First Protectorate Parliament.

  • Penruddock’s uprising.

  • Rule of Major Generals. Second Protectorate Parliament.

  • Cromwell refuses crown.

  • Cromwell dies. Richard Cromwell becomes Protector.

  • Richard Cromwell resigns. Rump Parliament recalled. George Monck marches with army to London.

  • Long Parliament recalled. Convention Parliament summoned. Charles II invited back. Monarchy restored. Trial of regicides.