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The English Colonies by Tyler Trammel

  • Finding of the Roanoke Colony

    Finding of the Roanoke Colony
    The Roanoke colony was found in 1585 off the coast of present day North Carolina. After years of hardship, John White headed back to England for more supplies, but the attack of the Spanish Armada delayed his voyage back to Roanoke. He got back to Roanoke in 1950, but returned to a "Lost Colony".
  • Jamestown

    Jamestown was the first English colony in the Americas. It was the first successful colony, after failed attempts at creating a colony in Roanoke. Two years of lack of food and disease killed many people of the new colony, but Squanto saved them, and taught them how to get food, and survive.
  • House of Burgesses

    House of Burgesses
    The House of Burgesses was a representative assembly in Virginia. The House originated laws, and allowed the right to veto and revise new and old laws. Most important was the quieting of opposition, cutting taxes, and Indian land being opened to the colonists.
  • The Mayflower, Plymouth, and The Mayflower Compact

    The Mayflower, Plymouth, and The Mayflower Compact
    The Mayflower was a ship sailed from England, with just about 100 sailors who were named Pilgrims. They were in route for an exploration of the New World, which is present day North America. The Mayflower Compact was the first signed agreement for a self-government to be established in America. Plymouth was an English established colony, and served as the capital of the colony. The Plymouth Colony took up most of present day Massachusetts.
  • The Great Migration

    The Great Migration
    The Great Migration of 1620 to the 1640's was the migration of English Puritans to Massachusetts, West Indies, and Barbados. The Puritans were very religious and were in attempt to spread their religion across to other colonies.
  • New York Colony

    New York Colony
    The New York colony was found in 1626. The colony was found by Peter Minuit, but was called the Manhattan Island. The colony had a lot of success trading, and they also purchased enslaved Africans.
  • The Carolina Colony

    The Carolina Colony
    Sir Robert Heath was the founder of the Carolina Colony. The land was first owned by the British but Great Britian took over the land. The Revolutionary War caused Great Britian to lose total control of the colony, and it became part of the United States and is now present day North Carolina, Alabama, South Carolina, Georgia, Tennessee, and Mississippi.
  • The Massachusetts Bay Colony

    The Massachusetts Bay Colony
    The Massachusetts Bay colony was one of the first English settlements. It was found in 1630, by a large refugee group who were mainly Puritans who were led by John Winthrope, and the whole group were all from England.
  • Maryland

    The Maryland colony was found by George Calvert, and Lord Baltimore. The Maryland Colony was one of the original thirteen colonies. This colony was on the coast of New England, and was owned by the British for many years. After the Revolutionary War the colony belonged to the United States of America.
  • Connecticut Colony

    Connecticut Colony
    Simply known as the River colony, was found on March 3 1636. John Winthope fought with the Dutch over the land, and eventually gained total control over Connecticut. English men set up a permanent colony here, after gaining control.
  • Rhode Island Colony

    Rhode Island Colony
    The Rhode Island Colony was also known as the Colony of Rhode Island and Providence Plantation. It was one of the original thirteen colonies. First it was a colony belonging to England. The Acts of Union document was passed, which resulted in Great Britian taking over the colony of Rhode Island. After years of the Revolutionary War this colony was fought for, and after gaining independence, this and 12 other colonies became known as the United States of America.
  • The Maryland Toleration Act

    The Maryland Toleration Act
    The Maryland Toleration Act was signed April 21, 1649. The act allowed Christians the freedom of conscience. It also granted religious tolerance for the Trinitarian Christians, which before the act was passed, religious persecution of the Trinitarian Christians was set.
  • The Great Awakening and the Enlightenment

    The Great Awakening and the Enlightenment
    The Great Awakening was a religious revival that went through the British Colonies, and Protestant Europe. The Priests gave very in depth speeches about personal revelation. The Enlightenment was a movement that had ranges of ideas such as seperation of church, liberty, progress and many more ideas.
  • Bacons Rebellion

    Bacons Rebellion
    Nathaniel Bacon led an armed Virginia rebellion against the Governor leader William Berkeley. The government did not let Bacon be apart of a fur trade with the Indians, so he led a rebellion and attacked Indians, and torched the capital building.
  • Pennysylvania Colony

    Pennysylvania Colony
    A royal charter granted by King Charles II sent William Penn from England. William Penn was the leader of the group and was the founder of this colony. The colony was in hands of England, but Great Britian then took it over. After 7 decades of being owned by Great Britrian, the American Revolution caused Great Britrian to lose the Pennysylvania, which now was and still is in control of the United States of America.
  • Salem Witch Trials

    Salem Witch Trials
    Salem Witchs Trials were trials where people were trialed for nothing. They were claimed to be "witches", but actually they were completely innocent. Anyone on trial who did not confess to their crime were killed. The people who confessed to the crime they didn't commit were put in jail for a short time. Since many people were in jail, there were no farmers which means lack of food.
  • The Albany Plan

    The Albany Plan
    The Albany Plan was an attempt to create one unified government for all the thirteen colonies, which was proposed by Benjamin Franklin. They though under one government defense against of other attacking countries would be better.
  • The French Indian War

    The French Indian War
    The French Indian War also known as The Seven Year war started in 1754, and was fought between Britian and France because of territory conflicts. The war ended with the Treaty of Paris which declared peace, and each country received land.
  • Salutary Neglect

    Salutary Neglect
    Salutary Neglect was used in the seventeenth and eighteenth century. It was a term used to keep the thirteen colonies loyal to England. There were to be no violations to the rules of trade and to England. The results in these actions benefited the colonists who were trading.
  • The Proclamation of 1763

    The Proclamation of 1763
    The Proclamation of 1763 was also known as the Treaty of Paris. The Proclamation was a signed document that made Great Britian owners of French territory. The Document was signed right after the 7 year war.