Summit in Geneva
A meeting for the "Big Four" world leaders at Geneva, Switzerland. The goal was to being together world leaders to talk about peace, but eventually lead to global secrity. -
Policy of Detente
After the Tet offensive, Nixon started to pursue detente with the Soviets and China. He wanted to isolate North Vietnam from larger communist powers. This later led to a reduction in arms. "Well, so far detente's been a one-way street that the Soviet Union has used to pursue its own aims." -
Soviet Invasion of Afganistan
Soviets intervened with Afgan communists to help fight guerilla anti-communist Muslims. The war went from late December 1979 to Febuary 1989. -
Solidarity Movement in Poland
A Polish trade union federation under the leader Lech Walesa. It was the first non-communist controlled trade union under the Warsaw Pact. Members used civil resistance to get better worker's rights and sociqal changes. "The thing that lies at the foundation of positive change, the way I see it , is service to fellow human beings." Walesa -
Ronald Reagan addresses the National Association of Evangelicials
The speech in which Reagan coined the term "evil empire" to describe the Soviet Union. He also addressed domestic issues and stated reasons as to why NATO should deploy nuclear missiles in Western Europe. "They preach the supremacy of the state, declare its omnipotence over individual man and predict its eventual domination of all peoples on Earth. They are the focus of evil in the modern world." -
Strategic Defense Intitative
Reagan proposed to ground and space-based systems to protect the U.S. from ballistic missiles. Reagan was a critic of mutually assured destruction and wanted to stop it. -
Reykjavik Summit
Summit meeting between Ronald Reagan and Mikhail Gorbachev. They were negotiating ballistic missiles and everything was great until the negotiating fell apart in the last few minutes. -
Gorbachav, Perestroika, Glasnost
Perestroika was a political movement within the Soviet Communist Party. Glasnost wanted to create openness within government institutions. Both of these were Gorbachev's greatest goal and he fought for his whole time in power to get them through. "Gentlemen, comrades, do not be concerned about all you hear about Glasnost and Perestroika and democracy in the coming years." Gorbachev -
Reagan speech at Brandenberg Gate, West Berlin
Reagan challenged Soviet lead Mikhail Gorbachev to "tear down this wall!" when he visted West Berlin. He, along with Gorbachev we trying to free Berlin and unify it. "Yes, across Europe, this wall will fall. For it cannot withstand faith; it cannot withstand truth. The wall cannot withstand freedom." Reagan -
Reagan and Gorbachev sign INF Treaty
An agreement between the U.S and Soviet Union to eliminate nuclear and conventional ballistic and cruise range missiles. All missiles that did not meet to the standard were destroyed. -
Fall of Berlin Wall
The official date of the start of the wall's demolition. Starting on that day, people would come with sledge hammers and break down pieces on their own. For days afterward, people rejoiced and celebrated on and around the wall. "The Berlin Wall wasn't the only barrier to fall after the collapse of the Soviet Union and the end of the Cold War. Traditional barriers to the flow of money, trade, people and ideas also fell." Fareed Zakaria -
Fall of Soviet Union
The Soviet Union ceased to exist and became Russia. The Soviet also split into 15 independent states. This marked the end of the cold war.