The Electoral Process

  • Campaigning

    Campaigning consists of debates taking place in pre-primaries, and potential candidates getting their names and beliefs out to the public.
  • Fundraising

    Fundraising goes hand in hand with campaiging because without it, potential candidates wouldn't have the money to put into commercials, events, posters, ect. to help get people on their side.
  • Caucuses and Primaries

    Caucuses and Primaries
    Caucuses and Primaries are held to gain support for the candidates from their respective political parties; caucuses allow voters to show open support for their candidate or delegate of choice (usually by raising their hand), and primaries have somewaht the same effect, but votes are taken by ballot, similar to official elections. There are 6 types of primaries: open, closed, semi-closed(only in Massechusettes), semi-open, blanket, and run-off.
  • Political Party Conventions

    Political Party Conventions
    During the political party conventions, the delegates chosen in the caucuses and primaries vote for the candidate of their choice. The candidate with the majority of delegate votes wins the nomination for president.
  • Election Day

    Election Day
    Registered voters go to the polls to vote for their choice in president. This is the popular vote and while it has no direct influence in the outcome of the election, the votes are sent to the electoral college which generally takes the results of the popular vote into consideration when making their decisions.