Listening to radio

The effect of radio on life in the US

  • Wireless Telegraphy

    Wireless Telegraphy
    Sometime in October of 1866, Mahlon Loomis, an american dentist, successfully demonstrated what he called "wireless telegraphy." Loomis was able to make a meter connected to one kite cause another one to move, marking the first existance of radio waves, as theorized by James Clerk Maxwell.
  • First Transatlantic Radio Transmission

    First Transatlantic Radio Transmission
    Guglielmo Marconi was an Italian Physicist that did extensive research and experiments regarding the telegraph machine. Receiving little encouragement for his experiments in Italy, he went to England in 1896. He formed a wireless telegraph company and soon was sending transmissions from distances farther than 10 miles.In 1899, he succeeded in sending a transmission across the English Channel., And on this date in history, he successfully transmits a radio message accross the atlantic ocean,
  • The Great War

    The Great War
    This day In history marked the beginning of a new era, as well as the First World War. The British government immediately took control of parts of the Marconi company, such as its latest transatlantic stations in Wales and its factory in Chelmsford, and the company established an ambitious training programme for wireless operators.
  • True Broadcasting Begins

    True Broadcasting Begins
    In 1915, speech was first transmitted across the continent from New York City to San Francisco and across the Atlantic Ocean from Naval radio station NAA at Arlington, Virginia, to the Eiffel Tower in Paris.
  • Radio Use by U.S. Navy

    In 1917 The United States of America officially entered the war. When the U.S. Navy realized the potential advantage in using radio for army communications, it was decided to to suspend the patent on this newly descovered technology, to exploit it for the benefit of the Alliance.
  • First Commercial Radio Station

    Henry P. Davis, vice president for engineering and manufacturing for Westinghouse, saw the commercial potential for Radio, Davis authorized Westinghouse to set up radio station KDKA, which on this day in history became the worlds first commercial radio station, and for the first time ever, the results of the presidential election, were announced for everyone owning a radio in the United States to hear.
  • Ship to shore!

    The first ship-to-shore two way radio conversation occurred in 1922, between Deal Beach, New Jersey, and the S.S. America, 400 miles at sea. However, it was not until 1929 that high seas public radiotelephone service was inaugurated. At that time telephone contact could be made only with ships within 1,500 miles of shore.
  • Brennan Radio

    Brennan Radio
    US Representative Vincent Morrison Brennan, Republican of Michigan, is listening to the proceedings of the US House of Representatives with a radio receiving set. Brennan advocated radio broadcast of Congress. Although he was denied at the time, the fact that a representative could be somewhere else in the country listening to the proceedings, was a giant step in changing dynamics of the legislative systems in the US.
  • Influence on Everyday Life

    By this time Approximately 10 million U.S. Citezens owned one or more Radios, and it had become a major source of entertainment and information.
  • Father of FM radio dead

    After over twenty years of battling over radio patents with varios people and companies Edwin Howard Armstrong, possibly the most influential man in the history of radio, killled himself.
  • Radio Today

    Radio Today
    Today there is the ability to telephone nearly every large ship wherever it may be on the globe. In the United States alone, there are 4,789 A.M. radio stations, 8,961 F.M. radio stations, and 19 shortwave radio stations, an estimated 44,000 radio stations being broadcasted worldwide. Lets not forget billions of cars with radios installed by the factory. Personal radios, and countless other forms of radio receivers. Making the radio an important part of life for many.