French Revolution
Explanation: A period of radical social and political upheaval. In France the common people became frustrated by the imptitude of King Louis XVI. He was then executed.
Key people: Louis XV , Madame de pampador , Louis XVI , Marie Antoinette , George Jacques Danton , Jean pual Marat, MAxamillian, Napolean.
Significance: Destruction of the monarchy, the spread of revolutionary ideas out of france and into the rest of Europe and the rest of the world. -
Tariff of 1789
Explanation: " whereas it is necessary for the support of government, for the discharge of the u.s, and the encouragement and protection of manufactures, that duties be laid on goods, wares and merchandise.
Key people: Alexande Hamilton
Significance: Taxed imports and exports, helped the growth of northern manufactors. It was a factor that led to the wide rift between federalist & anti-federalist. -
whiskey Rebelllion
Explanation: Farmers used their left over grain and corn in th e form of whiskey as a medium of exchange, they were forced to pay a new tax.
Key people: Alexander Hamilton , The people of western Pennslyvania
Significance: To pay debt from the American Revolutionary War. -
XYZ Affair
Explanation: A diplomatic episode that worsened relations between France and the U.S & led the to undeclared Quasi-war of 1798
Key people: United States, Republican France, John Adams.
SIgnificance: Was a diplomatic event that strained relations between france and the U.S and led to an undeclared naval war called the Quise-war. -
Alien and Sedition Acts
Explanation: Four bills passed in 1798 by the federalist in the aftermath of the french revolution.
Key people:Federalist, U.S congress, France, John Adams
Significance: Were supposed to protect the U.S from "Dangerous" aliens. Were used by the federalist in an attempt to stop the growth of a democratic-republic party. -
Election of 1800
Explanation: Was the 4th quadrennial presidental election. Sometimes refered to as the rvolution of 1800 held from friday , oct 31 to wednesday dec 3, 1800
Key people: Thomas Jefferson and John Adams
Significance: Jefferson believed more power should rest with the states rather than in the federal government. He also was a stronger defender of civil rights. The oppressive alien and sedition acts were allowed to expire. Jefferson was less formal and king-like and more democratic in his views tha -
Louisiana Purchase
Explanation: Was the largest and most extraordinary land purchase in the history of the United States. It was also the cheapest (per square mile).Livingston and Monroe quickly accepted and offered to pay $15 million.
Key people : Livingston, Monroe, Thomas Jefferson,Napoleon.
Significance: Ended the period of French Colonialism in the midwestern portion of the U.S -
War of 1812
Explanation:Was a 32-month military conflict between the United States on one side, and on the other Great Britain, its colonies and its Indian allies in North America.
Key people:Major-General Sir Isaac Brock, Chief Tecumseh, Charles-Michel de Salaberry, Laura Secord
Signifigance:proved that U.S had a right to exist, a right to be its own country, and a right to be a power in the international stage. -
Embargo Act
Explantaion:was a general embargo enacted by the United States Congress against Great Britain and France during the Napoleonic Wars.
Key People: Thomas Jefferson, Britain and France
Significance:It was meant to stop harassment by England and France, but ended up costing the United States too much money, and was repealed in 1809 -
Adams~Onis Treaty
Explanation: Was a treaty between the United States and Spain in 1819 that gave Florida to the U.S. and set out a boundary between the U.S. and New Spain (now Mexico).
Key people: United States and Spain
Significance: Gave Florida to the US and set out a boundary between the US and New Spain -
Monroe Doctrine
Explanation:was a policy of the United States that stated that further efforts by European nations to colonize land or interfere with states in North or South America would be viewed as acts of aggression, requiring U.S. intervention.
Key people: James Monroe
Significance:directed a clear warning towards all foreign countries basically telling them to leave the US alone and to stop settling within the country's borders.