Reyes catolicos

The Early Modern Period in Spain

  • Oct 18, 1469

    Marriage of the Catholic Monarchs

    Marriage of the Catholic Monarchs
    The marriage of the Catholic Monarchs was a dynastic union between Castilla and Aragon
  • Nov 26, 1504

    Death of Isabel I

    Death of Isabel I
    The throne of Castilla passed to Juana, her daughter and fernando continued as king of Aragon
  • Mar 14, 1516

    Begining of Carlos I reign

    Begining of Carlos I reign
    He inherited a lot of territories from his father Felipe II and Juana la Loca.
  • Jan 16, 1556

    Begining of Felipe II reign

    Begining of Felipe II reign
    He had a lot of territories
  • Nov 11, 1556

    Abdication of Carlos I

    Abdication of Carlos I
    He divided his possessions between his brother Fernando and his son Felipe