Mar 1, 1479
The marriage of the catholic Monarch
This was the official marriage wich create a dynastic union between Castilla and Aragon -
Period: Mar 1, 1479 to
the early modern period in spain
this is samething in order to obtain a better mark because we love Richi ;) -
Nov 26, 1504
The death of Isabel
When Isabel died the crown will pass to her daughter Juana de mad but his husband and Fernando( husband od Isabel) doesn´t want it . So Fernando become the regent of Castilla -
Mar 14, 1516
Carlos I become king
Carlos I inherit the crown of Castilla and Aragon and he was the first monarvha of the habsburg dynasty -
The dead of Felipe II
He died at the 71 years old caused by various ilnesses in the monastery of the Escorial