The early days of Raquel (2002)

  • Trust and Mistrust- Erikson's first psychosocial stage

    Raquel is born into a loving family who attend her with devoted attention because she is the first child born to her young parents. Every Sunday one year old Raquel is dropped off into the nursery where her favorite caretaker Michelle, reads her Bible stories and rocks her to sleep. Raquel is well bonded to her parents and Michelle and the virtue of hope begins to form.
  • Autonomy versus shame & doubt: Erikson's second stage

    At age 3, Raquel is beginning to explore her known world and test boundaries. Her little brother Thomas is born, and suddenly Raquel is not receiving the undivided attention she always expected from her parents. Because mommy is busy nursing and coddling baby Thomas, Raquel gradually learns how to amuse herself. She begins to gain a sense of self apart from her mom and dad.
  • Initiative versus guilt: Erikson's third stage

    Raquel is 6 years old and loves participating in gymnastics. She loves it so much, that she practices in the house. One day Raquel performs a cartwheel in the living room and accidentally kicks her brother in the head. Her mother yells at her to stop doing cartwheels in the house. Raquel feels guilty for hurting her brother, but she asks if she can do cartwheels outside instead. Her mother agrees, and Raquel rushes outside to continue her activity.