the early civil rights movement

  • Seperate-but-Equal

    The supreme court ruled that every state had to make education equal. That means the state offered law schools and medical schools for whites and African Americans
  • Heman sweatt

    He applied to the University of Texas but it did not accept African Americans. Insted of accepting him they decided to build a completely new law school for African Americans.
  • committee on civil rights

    This was created in response to the civil rights activist that protested outside the whitehouse and in the Lincon Memorial. This committee suggested Federal solutions to the problem.
  • Military segregation

    Truman ended segregation in the military and also banned some racial discrimination.
  • Period: to


    The NAACP decided to focus on ending segregation.
  • Sweatt v. Painter

    The new school did not provide African Americans with equal access to equal academic prestige, facilities, or instructors.
  • Brown Case

    The Supreme court ruled in Browns case and made segregation in public schools illegal.
  • Supreme Court

    The Supreme court made their ruling stronger to make public schools to desegragate
  • Rosa Parks

    Refused to give up her seat to a white passanger which challenged the bus segregation rule.
  • Bus system

    The Supreme Court ruled that the segregated bus system was illegal
  • Little Rock Nine

    The school boards selected nine outstanding African Americans.