50,000 BCE
The Aboriginal peoples religion.
The Aboriginal people have lived on this land for 50,000 years and have believed they were created by the time of the dreaming. -
The first Fleets arrival.
Before they left they were looking for a priest to teach them there religion but everyone said no then a Irish priest asked to come but they rejected him.There were 11 ships with about 1000 people and they arrived in Australia. -
Reverend Richard Johnson.
Reverend Johnson from the church of England did the 1st mass. -
In the year 1792 5 men asked Governor Philip for a catholic priest but he said no.
St. Philips Anglican church was built.
They asked again for a priest but the answer was no again.
The St. Philips Anglican church was burnt down by the convicts 5 years after it was built.
From 1798-1803 many Irish people were sent to Australia.
From the year 1800-1801 Fr. O'Neill, Fr. Dixon and Fr. Harold arrived in Australia.
In the year 1802 Fr. O'Neill went back to Ireland.
The first catholic mass was celebrated in a small home that belonged to an ex-convict called James Miller.
Sunday April 24th Dixon was allowed to say mass publicly and celebrate it publicly to but he only had conditional emancipation which was freedom but if he did something he wasn't meant to he would go to jail.
In the year 1804 there was a fight so Fr. Dixon was not allowed to do mass anymore but he was still allowed to do baptisms and marriages.
Fr. Dixon left in the year 1809.
Fr. Harold left so then the lay people had to keep their religion alive.
Fr. Jeremiah O'Flynn was sent out by Governor Macouarie.
In the year 1818 in the month of May Fr. O'Flynn was captured for braking the law of no ministering publicly but he did it anyway.
Fr. John Therry and Fr. Connolly arrived in Australia in the year 1820.