5000 BCE
The gods take control
4665 BCE
Zelaxorus created
Z -
4554 BCE
Elminster creation
Elminster is created by the god of magic to watch of the lands of Zelaxorus and protect it from evil -
4000 BCE
creation of the nine gates of hell
3000 BCE
rift merge in ice wind dale
2000 BCE
The blood war
250 BCE
strixhaven is created
100 BCE
birth of mordekainen
40 BCE
start of the great wizard war
40 BCE
imush is born
Period: 40 BCE to 1 CE
the great wizard war
1 CE
the Great wizard wars end
1 CE
start of the modern age
1 CE
necromancy is banned
Kelemvor gets Sealed
Aldrin Creates Ravencross
Crossraven Noble Family Begins
death of averry
the 5 council members take over strixhaven
silvanus Creates the God-born twins
The first arc begins